Everything Starmer says and does meets the objectives of the Trilateral Commission

Everything Starmer says and does meets the objectives of the Trilateral Commission

Everything Starmer says and does meets the objectives of the Trilateral Commission


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The evidence clearly indicates that Keir Starmer is a serving member of the Trilateral Commission and did not resign from it when he became the UK’s prime minister, Iain Davis writes.

Despite Starmer has had a duty to disclose that he had joined the Trilateral Commission in about 2017/2018, he has not done so.  Why does this matter?

Firstly, the Trilateral Commission has deep links to intelligence agencies.

Secondly, it means we currently have a prime minister who is committed to supporting multipolarity and, in so doing, subverting the UK to facilitate global governance; a so-called “leader” who embraces fifth stage capitalism; a man who wants to install a Technocracy, who believes democracy should be limited and economic and political growth engineered to enable a corporate aristocracy to rule, Davis explains.

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By Iain Davis, 19 February 2025

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is seemingly a serving member of the Trilateral Commission. If you check out the most recent Trilateral Commission membership record it lists Starmer as a “Former Member in Public Service.”

In a recent Independent Media Alliance panel I was fortunate to have the opportunity to ask the world’s leading expert on the Trilateral Commission Patrick Wood why “former” members would be listed on the current membership list. Patrick Wood said:

Unless somebody resigns from the Commission they keep the name of a public servant in a special section below the active members. [. . .] When they get out of office, they’re simply moved up the list to the regular list again. [. . .] It supposedly shields them from criticism that, well, they’re not really speaking for the Trilateral Commission. [. . .] What a sham!

Sure enough if, for example, we look at Jake Sullivan, on the 2022 membership list he was serving as the US National Security Advisor and was listed as a “former” member. Yet, on the current list he has full membership as a “recent” former member, i.e., he’s not a “former” member anymore.

I’m not sure how long Triliateralists remain “recent former” members but, if we look at the 2020 list, Ken Juster for instance was a “former” member serving as the US Ambassador to India. On the current list he has transitioned through the “recent former” designation phase to become a regular member again. So, it seems the flimflam is maintained for no more than 4 years after a Trilateralist’s so-called “public service ceases.”

Evidently, Patrick Wood is correct. His current listing as a former member indicates that Keir Starmer has not resigned from the Trilateral Commission. If we assume he is a serving Trilateralist this raises a number of very serious questions.

The Trilateral Commission – founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller – effectively promotes multipolarity. It divides the northern hemisphere into three distinct regions or poles: North American, European and Asian Pacific. This is practically identical to the regionalised “balance of power” system envisaged by the Rhodes/Milner influenced Anglo-American Establishment prior to WWII.

This theme of regionalisation was pursued by the Rockefellers in the post-war period. In the late 1950’s they determined that the “regional approach has world-wide validity” and that they should “contribute to this [regionalisation] process by constructive action.” The Trilateral Commission was established with that objective, among others, in mind.

It is no coincidence that 1973 was also the year that the Rockefellers’ and European Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (“OECD’s”) global think-tank, the Club of Rome, published its report proposing a multipolar (regionalised) world titled ‘Regionalised and Adaptive Model of the Global World System’ (“RAM”).

While the RAM report presents a computer model, that divided the world into ten “Kingdoms” – poles – The Club of Rome added a vision statement:

Our efforts in the immediate future will be concentrated on further use of the already developed [Kingdoms] model. [. . .] Implementation of the regional models in different parts of the world and their connection via a satellite communication network [will be] for the purpose of joint assessment of the long-term global future by teams from the various regions [Kingdoms or “poles”]. Implementation of the vision for the future outlined by leaders from an underdeveloped region in order to assess with the model existing obstacles and the means whereby the [multi-kingdom or multipolar] vision might become a reality.

[Related: The Conspiracy: A One World Government using technocracy to rule over all]

More recently the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), founded by Klaus Schwab, has argued the “most likely outcome along the globalisation–no globalisation continuum lies in an in-between solution: regionalisation.” The global push toward regionalisation – multipolarity – has been ongoing for more than a century. It is the penultimate step before full-blown global governance: the ultimate objective.

Membership of the Trilateral Commission would suggest Starmer is a participant in a privately funded think-tank which exercises the Chatham House rule and deliberates on globalist policy initiatives in secret. Because it meets behind closed doors – virtual or physical – we are reliant on its published reports and released documents to piece together what those discussions entailed. It isn’t particularly difficult to do so.

The Trilateral Commission’s Task Force on Global Capitalism in Transition seeks to “chart a path” for “governments, businesses and non-profit institutions and [define] specific steps they can take to achieve critical common goals.”

What “specific steps” and whose “common goals”?

To this end, the Trilateral Commission promotes fifth stage capitalism:

We are now in the midst of a transition to a new fifth stage of capitalism. [. . .] Entering the fifth stage capitalism, the Trilateral countries should remake education on the scale of the reforms of the 19th and 20th centuries. [. . .] The public and private sectors will need to collaborate to leverage AI to mine insights from vast data sets available through social media, employment firms, and public sources. [. . .] Every person should live and work in a net-zero world by 2050.

Trilateralists contend this vast social engineering project can achieve the desired outcomes through the widespread adoption of fifth stage capitalism – synonymous with stakeholder capitalism – and the associated global public-private partnerships. The Trilateral Commission adds:

Public-private collaboration: Although governments will lead in developing policy, these strategies must be true “whole of society” efforts. Governments should thus also lead in convening a broad array of stakeholders. In many cases, though, other groups – industry associations, non-profits, academia, and other research institutions – could also play an important role in establishing forums to engage stakeholders.

Stakeholder capitalism was pioneered by Klaus Schwab in the 1970s. In December 2019, Schwab wrote ‘What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want’ where he outlined the stakeholder capitalism concept:

Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges.

The legal definition of “trustee” is:

The person appointed, or required by law, to execute a trust; one in whom an estate, interest, or power is vested, under an express or implied agreement to administer or exercise it for the benefit or to the use of another.

The referenced “another” – implicit to stakeholder capitalism – is us, the people. We all apparently agree that private corporations should be invested with the power to administer the nation state. This is the heart of stakeholder capitalism or, as the Trilateralists put it, fifth stage capitalism.

The role and authority of the UK government, under Keir Starmer, is diminished by stakeholder capitalism. While the government supposedly leads policy development, the public-private partnership “whole of society” approach means other private “stakeholders” can “also” lead. Fifth stage capitalism formally shifts policy development from the public to the private sector.

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