Europe: Why Do the Elites Want to Take Us to War?
The European elites were worried about the first protests of a once submissive and uncritical population. Thus, the high cost of living, the economic recession and the collapse of the welfare state’s house of cards have shaken the socio-economic framework that they had worked so hard to build. They then decided to rearm themselves to the teeth and declare war on Russia with the secret aim of militarizing public life and ending the right to freedom of expression and demonstration.
Story of an infamy
On the first day, the elites said: Let’s create a new religion with hedonism as god and nihilism as the prophet and establish a universal language to ensure instant communication between the citizens of the world.
On the second day, the elites declared: Let’s inoculate the population with the compulsive consumerism of material goods and let economic globalization emerge to satisfy their dependence on consumption.
On the third day, the elites stipulated: Let’s continue the uncontrolled consumption of raw materials and fossil fuels to maintain the productive apparatus and promote the use of anxiolytics, antidepressants and various stimulants to keep citizens under the influence of drugs.
On the fourth day, the elites added: Let’s break the emotional ties of the family structure by breaking the parent-child communion by placing the elderly in retirement homes.
On the fifth day, the elites hammered: We create social networks to provoke individualism and lack of solidarity, and fake news to disorient ourselves and plunge us into existential doubt.
On the sixth day, the elites announced: Let’s implement cybermanipulation to monitor citizens’ communications through their metadata, and AI to prevent the awakening of mass political consciousness.
On the seventh day, the elites saw everything they had done and realized that it was all good for their interests, so they decided to rest and enjoy their creation.
But the European elites were worried about the first protests of a population once submissive and not very critical of the high cost of living, the economic recession and the collapse of the welfare state’s house of cards. They then decided to rearm themselves to the teeth and declare war on Russia with the secret aim of militarizing public life and ending the right to freedom of expression and demonstration.
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Germán Gorraiz López is a Political Analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
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