by Jeffrey Prather, Jeffrey Prather’s SuBstack :
How did Red Ribbon Week come about? It all started with one man.
On Thursday, February 7, 1985, at 2:00 pm, Special Agent Enrique Camarena left the American Consulate in Guadalajara to meet his wife, Mika, for lunch. Known to his friends as “Kiki,” Special Agent Camarena had been in Mexico for more than four years on the trail of Mexican marijuana and cocaine drug traffickers. Kiki was due to be reassigned in three weeks because he had come dangerously close to exposing the top leaders of a multi-billion drug pipeline.
As Kiki walked to his truck, he was approached by five men who shoved him into a beige Volkswagen. One of the men threw a jacket over Kiki’s head, and the driver sped away. Kiki never saw his wife or family again.
When Kiki was abducted in Mexico, he was tortured and brutally murdered by drug traffickers. His badly beaten body was recovered nearly one month after he was kidnapped.
Kiki’s wife, Geneva “Mika” Camarena, mourned the loss of her husband. Kiki’s children Enrique, Daniel, and Eric mourned the loss of their father. And the nation mourned the loss of a hero.
I was quite touched today when my friend, and investigative reporter George Webb called me today.
He was calling to congratulate me on Mexico transferring (not formally extraditing -too slow), DEA target Rafael Caro-Quinter (RCQ), original head of the Sinaloa cartel, from Mexican prison, to U.S. custody.
I also received many emails and texts form many other listeners congratulating me as well. The transfer along with dozens of other drug lords was of course Mexico’s attempt to forestall Trump’s tariffs.
As he was recently deathly ill, and still raspy and recovering, it was especially moving. George explained that while he had publicly advocated for my reinstatement with DEA, he was not recommending I return to regular duty. Instead he counseled a limited period of advisory status at the DEA academy -but with full back pay. So has my friend Mike Adams. Think he was assuaging my wife and kids who are vehemently against me gong back. (Still get nightmares from time time to time.)
Gotta say though, it’s nice to be remembered and appreciated after all these years!
1990, Undercover G-ride, DEA badge, creds, and Colt SMG
But, as I explained to George, my extradition effort was against RCQ’s brother Miguel.
While Rafael is commonly attributed to the torture and murder of our agent Kiki Camarena, Miguel was there and an accomplice. How do I know? My confidential informant who was tight with both, RCQ and MCQ, told me.
Miguel Caro Quintero (MCQ) was extradited (via my extradition package) the same year I was fired -2009. And shortly thereafter convicted. Him, not me. I was never even charged and never convicted.
But not by my Tucson case.
Instead by a less effective Colorado case. Why? Because to use my more effective and extensive case, they would have had to acknowledge me as the case agent. Hero. But DEA had just made me a zero.
In fact I found out later they had made me a prime DEA target -while I was still a DEA special agent!
Why again? Because I had exposed DEA administrator Michelle Leonhart’s deal with the Sinaloa cartel to run drugs north in exchange for Fast and Furious guns going south. My confidential informant was suing Leonhart personally for the $5,000,000.00 State Department reward. That got her attention and I got her ire. And the rest as they say, is history.
Proof of DEA’s Sinaloa cartel deal was sworn to in court by DEA agents in Niebla-Zamabada’s trail:
My whistle blowing along with ATF heroes Vince Cefalu, John Dodson and others exposed Fast and Furious, and blazed a path to expose other U.S. government drug running:
- Hernandez Borbolla recalled, that infamous CIA agent Felix Ismael Rodriguez was present while members of the Guadalajara Cartel tortured and murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985 after he uncovered drug and arms smuggling ops linked to the Contras.
via SGT Report
March 1, 2025 at 03:04AM
March 1, 2025 at 03:06AM
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