Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Malthusian-Transhumanist Riders of the Pale Horse
Why did the celebrated futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard call for the culling of one-fourth of the human population? John Klyczek tracked down Hubbard’s infamous unpublished manuscript and digs deeper into the legacy of her Malthusian gospel of “conscious” transhuman evolution.

For some time, there have been efforts to facelift the Malthusian-transhumanist bent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution with a patina of New Age spirituality through a belief in “conscious evolution,” such as that propagated by futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard. Yet, notwithstanding Hubbard’s lofty invocation of “Christ consciousness,” her faith in conscious evolution holds that, in order to mitigate overpopulation crises, natural resources must be rationed through “sustainable development” economics while human resources must be neo-eugenically culled and biotechnologically engineered into a new transhuman species. In fact, with the blessings of Rockefeller philanthropy, Hubbard, who promoted sustainable development at the United Nations (UN) and collaborated with known Malthusians from groups like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Club of Rome, was one of the most radical advocates of population reduction in the name of spiritual evolution.
Across the internet, there has been wide circulation of an excerpt from an unpublished manuscript in which Hubbard declared that “one-fourth” of humanity will need to be culled in order to usher in a utopian New Age Order:
“[o]ut of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is elected to transcend . . . One-fourth is destructive. . . . They are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’ . . .
Now, as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. . . .
Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”
In my previous article in this series on Barbara Marx Hubbard, I had been unable to trace the provenance of the unpublished manuscript. Since then, I conducted some further sleuthing, and I was able to track down a copy of the manuscript in the possession of attorney Constance Cumbey, who is the acclaimed author of the The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism. Cumbey purchased several copies of the manuscript on multiple occasions, including once from Hubbard personally and once from Rama Vernon, who orchestrated a series of Soviet-American Citizens Summits that Hubbard attended along with Doug Coe, who was the figurehead of the Christian Fellowship Foundation, and Paul Temple, who funded the Fellowship and founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences where Hubbard preached her Malthusian gospel of “conscious” transhuman evolution. For the full backstory on Cumbey’s exposé of Hubbard’s manuscript, watch the interview Courtenay Turner and I conducted at Cumbey’s estate.

Now that Hubbard’s infamous manuscript has been verified, it deserves an explication in this series. Henceforth, this article will examine how the manuscript, which is titled “The Revelation: Alternative to Armageddon (From the Book of Co-Creation: An Evolutionary Interpretation of the New Testament),” reveals further evidence of Hubbard’s Malthusian-transhumanist vision of the future. Moreover, this article will explicate how Hubbard’s “Alternative to Armageddon” preaches a gospel of Malthusian “crisis” evolution that was inspired by her spiritual idol, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; shared by her kindred evolutionary, Jonas Salk; and bankrolled by her beloved benefactor, Laurance Rockefeller. Furthermore, this article will show how Hubbard’s gospel of crisis evolution is being resounded by the WEF to push Malthusian policies under the banner of “sustainable development” to further the transhumanist Fourth Industrial Revolution. Additionally, this article will document how the legacies of Salk and Rockefeller continue to propel Malthusian “sustainable development” and transhuman evolution through the Salk Institute, Venrock, the UN, and the World Wildlife Fund.
In the next and final article in this series, I will reveal how Hubbard’s affiliations with the World Future Society, the Human Potential Movement, and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution were connected to networks of alleged pedophiles and sexual abuse cults.
Baptism by Teilhard de Chardin’s Malthusian-Eugenic Crisis of Noetic Birth
In “Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality,” which was the first article in this series, I historicized how Hubbard’s vision of “conscious” transhuman evolution was inspired by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. A Malthusian-eugenicist and Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Chardin pontificated that overpopulation is fomenting an ecological tipping point culminating in a “crisis of birth,” which will bring about the noetic evolution of human consciousness. According to Teilhard de Chardin, the “noosphere,” or noetic “mind sphere,” of the universe is a cosmic “intelligence,” or “consciousness,” that evolves through human consciousness and, by extension, technology, which is spurred by Malthusian crises.

Not only was Hubbard’s transhumanism rooted in Teilhard de Chardin’s gospel of cosmic “crisis” evolution through the noetic “mind sphere” of the universe. But Hubbard’s Malthusian outlook on population growth and sustainable development, which has influenced UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset, was likewise inspired by Teilhard de Chardin, who believed human overpopulation should be eugenically culled in order to save the Earth from ecological “crises” that threaten the “birth” of evolutionary progress.
In a 1936 letter that was published in Letters to Léontine Zanta, Teilhard de Chardin asserted that, “at one and the same time there should be official recognition of: 1. The priority/primacy of the earth; 2. The inequality of peoples and races” (298). Similarly, in a posthumously published book titled Toward the Future, he pontificated that the “evolution” of the “noosphere” is predicated upon (1) the global “maintenance . . . of the natural resources available in the continents, which feed man’s individual and social body”; and (2)the “effective control, both in quantity and quality, of reproduction in order to avoid over-population of the earth or its invasion by a less satisfactory ethnic group” (299). In brief, in both his private letters and public writings, Teilhard de Chardin advocated the Malthusian-eugenic control of the world’s natural and human resources through the eugenic control of population quality and the Neo-Malthusian control of population quantity in tandem with Malthusian conservation of limited environmental resources.
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