The world is headed for some sort of climactic, historical event

Benjamin Fulford[Collection]

The world is headed for some sort of climactic event that will echo down through history and maybe even eternity. This is not hyperbole.

The BRICS summit in Russia this week and the US Presidential selection on November 5th are not ordinary political events. They will determine the future of humanity for thousands of years.

Recent happenings make it clear some sort of showdown is coming at these events. China, Russia, North Korea, Turkey, Iran and many other countries have mobilized their military forces for all-out war. This comes as 159 nations sign on to an international clearance system that threatens the current controllers of the world’s financial system.

In the US meanwhile, citizens’ militias have begun fighting FEMA agents. This comes as the US presidential election degenerates into a hybrid civil war.

To understand what is at stake, we need to step back and look at the big picture. The financial system is the process by which humanity decides what it does in the future. We have found out it has been fraudulently hijacked by criminals who want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. The human race has figured this out and the criminals are being removed from power. This will mean humanity will be free to decide its own future.

But, the rabbit hole runs a lot deeper than that.

World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes was poisoned with arsenic and, when she recovered, she was physically assaulted in an attempt to silence her. However, she was able to record the video below before she was finally killed. She confirms what the gnostic Illuminati and others have been saying for a long time: that we are being controlled by a malevolent force that is preventing our civilization from reaching some sort of breakthrough event. This control has been through a combination of blackmail, bribery, murder and lies. Hudes says the black nobility are the people behind this. They control the banking cartel and the transnational corporations. She says these people have been in charge for at least 9000 years.

In a recent manifestation, the Black Pope Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos created the World Bank in the post-war years as an instrument of planetary control. This is only the most recent iteration of the Black Nobility or Khazarian Mafia’s rule.

These people have been hiding the real history of the planet for a very long time. “What you have to understand is what you have been taught about in history is all inside out and backwards…what we thought happened in 1000 BC was actually happening in the Middle Ages,” she says. The Russians figured out the fake history by studying lunar eclipses to look at who was active in the real history. They found out the same groups were active and history was just repeated time and time again.

Here is an example: Washington DC is built on seven hills on land that was known as Rome, Maryland. The man who owned the land the capital building was built on was named Francis Pope. He was known as the “Pope of Rome on the Tiber,” because his property was next to a stream called the Tiber, the same name as the river that runs through Rome, Italy. So, is it just a coincidence we now have a Pope Francis in Rome?

This sort of coincidence may be why the Vatican Library is one of the most guarded sites in the world: its protection is more serious than that of any existing nuclear power plant. 

The secret archives of the Vatican became known in 1611 and only two people per year are allowed very limited access to it. 

The timing dovetails neatly with the fact the so-called 5785-year calendar of the Jews curated by the Satanic Chabad cult only goes back to 1601.

It also ties into what Pentagon sources tell us of how civilization has risen only to be destroyed many times in the past. The drowned cities under the oceans are evidence of the false history. “Enough of us know we have all been duped and we are not going to continue these lies,” Hudes concludes.

The gnostic Illuminati said they started fighting the black nobility bloodlines (Khazarian mafia) thousands of years ago after they destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization (Atlantis) with a tsunami.

This is not just ancient history. The Fukushima attack on Japan, the artificial hurricane that hit North Carolina and the massive flooding of the Saudi Arabian desert show this is continuing to this day.

The March 11, 2011 tsunami attack on Japan was done to prevent Japan from using its’ 7 trillion dollar stash to help the planet. The hurricane and flooding in North Carolina was engineered to steal lithium. And now, it looks like the flooding of the Saudi desert was aimed at preventing that country from using its oil reserves to support the new BRICS currency.

So, the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia this week and the US presidential election are both attempts by humanity to end the thousands of years of black nobility (KM) rule.

The Asian secret societies say they struck a blow against the KM last week by eliminating 32 key people involved in


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