Beyond Blue Beam


Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. We continue our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please feel free to add whatever other information you have to add to the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read.

Today, we embark on another thrilling journey through time, space, and possibly even different realities. As usual, buckle up for an intriguing exploration of diverse topics.

We begin our journey with more information about the secrets of Antarctica.



A mysterious ‘doorway’ has been spotted in Antarctica, just southeast of the Japanese-run Showa Station.

The unusual structure was spotted by a Reddit user on Google Maps at the coordinate 69°00’50” S 39°36’22″E. 

Posting to the forum, they wrote: ‘Massive door in Antarctica?’, along with the coordinates. 

The post has garnered huge attention, with hundreds of viewers flocking to the comments to discuss what the structure could be. 

‘Just a blown-off Boeing door,’ one user replied, while another wrote: ‘That’s actually Bigfoot’s vacation home.’

One user suggested it was the ‘door to Agartha’, while another claimed it could be a ‘big seed vault like the one in Svalbard, Norway.’


Suppressed Energy

We move on with How ‘good’ technology has been suppressed by the Elite controllers. 

PS. Not all ancient pictures are correct, but overall it gives a good idea.


More items of possible interest.

A retired senior Pentagon official has revealed that UFO ‘motherships’ were observed releasing swarms of smaller crafts, deepening the mystery surrounding the unexplained intrusions at several U.S. military bases.

His statements come amid the release of 50 pages of Air Force records related to provocative ‘drone’ incursions, that one general calls ‘Close Encounters at Langley.’

For at least 17 nights last December, swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at dusk ‘moving at rapid speeds’ and displaying ‘flashing red, green, and white lights’ penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.

Senior ex-Pentagon security official Chris Mellon told that the episode was ‘part of a much larger pattern affecting numerous national security installations.’

‘Two of the notable aspects,’ he said, ‘are the fact our drone signal-jamming devices have proven ineffective and these craft are making no effort to remain concealed.’

In fact, in some instances,’ as Mellon took pains to emphasize, ‘it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.’


Who owes who?

Who actually owes who vast sums of money, never to be paid back? The countries of the world are playing a game of monopoly with Trillions of dollars of nothing more than computer money. They owe each other. This is fact


FYI: Your house is not worth more. Your money is just worth less.  

Price of a Home:

U.S. Dollars vs. Bitcoin 2016-2024

Bitcoin fixes this


Free Energy using CDs DIY Solar Panel

A DIY solar panel using CDs works by using the CDs as reflectors to concentrate sunlight onto small solar cells, which actually generate electricity. While CDs themselves don’t produce energy, their reflective surfaces can help boost the efficiency of the solar cells by directing more sunlight toward them. This project is more of a fun and educational experiment than a functional energy solution, as the power output will be minimal. It’s a creative way to demonstrate basic solar energy principles.



New York’s Beginning

The Castello Plan, originally titled “Afbeeldinge van de Stadt Amsterdam in Nieuw Neederlandt”, is an ancient map depicting the Financial District of present-day Lower Manhattan. Created by Jacques Cortelyou (circa 1625–1693) in 1660 during the era of New Amsterdam, it includes notable landmarks such as Fort Amsterdam, central hubs for trade and governance. Although the original map does not survive, a copy crafted between 1665 and 1670 by an anonymous artist exists in the New York Public Library.
The attached photo is a redraft of the Castello Plan of New Amsterdam in 1660, redrawn in 1916 by John Wolcott Adams and Isaac Newton Phelps Stokes


The Lost Technology of The Electrofield

To Summarize:

>Through electrostatic fields organisms can grow stronger, larger, and of higher functionality and quality.

>Ancient forms of extinct species can be revived.

>Hereditary characteristics that have been lost through degeneration/devolution can be retrieved.

>The electrostatic field can overwrite DNA.

>Electric fields can help to structure and purify wastewater.

>The Technology was covered up because GMOs are more profitable and so is a degenerate population.

>Electro-culture completely revolutionizes farming and makes organisms immune to almost any environmental stressor.

>Crops exposed to the Electrofield don’t need pesticides and have a reduced need for fertilizer

>China is reportedly using this technology right now to increase their farming yields massively.

>GMO seeds could be reverted to heirloom status through the electrostatic field.

The possibilities are endless…


This goes with the above information.

Before the previous resets, people knew about this type of energy. 

They also grew much larger. 

It’s proven and documented that with the help of static electricity fields, crops, and animals can grow larger and of higher quality.

It’s been dubbed the Electrofield.


Incandescent vs LED light bulbs

Know the Difference and stay SAFE.   

It has become very difficult if not impossible to buy incandescent bulbs in America and most other countries.  The Elite controllers have changed them all to LED’s.

Readers, please give us your experience in trying to purchase the old incandescent bulbs. 



There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It was all a cover story. 

Many combat veterans who served in operations like Desert Shield, Desert Storm, OIF, or OEF in the Middle East have reported encounters with paranormal or supernatural events during their deployments. This is significant given the region’s deep historical roots, encompassing ancient civilizations such as Kemet (Egypt) and Sumer, where much of humanity’s early history and myths originate. The war, from this perspective, was not primarily about terrorism, drugs, or oil but was heavily focused on the discovery and acquisition of ancient artifacts. These artifacts, potentially tied to lost knowledge or mystical power, are believed to have been the true targets, suggesting a hidden agenda centered around seizing relics that could hold immense significance for those who control them.


For the motorcycle enthusiasts:


See the latest Yamaha prototype!


We come near to the end of our journey this week with episode 2 part 2 of the Annunaki/Enki story.


Thoth Adds Procreation to Man, The Lost Story of Adam and Eve, and The New Annunaki of Earth.


UFO  Videos 

1. A cluster of Light Orbs seen over Israel, September 2024.


2. An apparent UFO seen Over Southern California, September 2024.

3. What looks like a mothership seen over New York, October 2024.


4. A large UFO seen over Chile, October 2024.


5. An apparent UFO seen over the Florida Coast. October 2024.


End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>>
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