The Case for why Christian Parents Should Not Send Their Children to Public Schools

[Collection]Contract WriterOn this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon addresses the potential dangers of sending your children to public schools.

(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon addresses the potential dangers of sending your children to public schools.

Jonathon begins the show by briefly discussing how the public school system has become anti-Christian as our society has become more modern.

“State schools exist to promulgate state ideology and, of course, we now live in a society no longer rooted in the values of scriptural revelation, we no longer live in societies rooted in Christian values. We instead live in societies that are formed by the sexual revolution that has unfolded since the 1960s,” Jonathan said. He added that while this has been true for some time, what we’re seeing in schools now, such as sexually explicit drag shows, is so bad that we’re practically nostalgic for the public schools of 20 years ago.

He notes that author Katy Faust, in her recent book Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City: Teaching Historical, Economic, and Biological Truth in a World of Lies, suggests parents can send their kids to public schools as long as parents are rooting them in Christian and conservative values at home. But Jonathon disagrees with this thesis: “I increasingly don’t think that the public school in any way, shape, or form can be retaken, despite the fact that I am cheering on those parental rights movements, the parental rights protesters.”

Jonathon pointed to the counter-example of grassroots groups like Moms for Liberty taking over school boards, firing principals and diversity coordinators, and ensuring that a woke, pro-LGBT curriculum was not introduced to their kids. “I still do, however, think that it’s incredibly dangerous because I do believe that these are state schools, and I do believe that the ideology of the state is now fundamentally antithetical to Christianity.”

To support his thesis, Jonathon dove into the impact that a public school education has had on our culture, citing state ideology as having filled the vacuum left by the decline of religion. However, he emphasizes that it’s also important to note how effective the indoctrination of children in the public education system has been:

A 2022 report highlighted new data from the Seattle public schools that shows an 853 percent spike in students identifying as ‘non-binary’ over only three years. So, in 2019, 53 out of 55,417 students identified as ‘non-binary.’ ‘Non-binary’ means you’re not identifying as male or female; you’re just sort of some random other. By the 2022-2023 school year, that number was up to 505, including, get this, three children in preschool, 16 in kindergarten, 89 in grades 1-5, 125 in middle school, and 272 in high school. I think it’s obvious to any reasonable person that a child of four or five years old identifying as ‘non-binary’ has almost nothing to do with that child’s identity, which he or she can not even conceptualize at that age.

The reality is that children have been recruited into an industrial-scale social experiment, especially with regards to the new gender ideology that has permeated almost all our society in a short amount of time.

Jonathon added that gender ideology has ramped up the potential costs of sending children to a public school. “Your kid isn’t just going to maybe learn a very liberal view of sex and sexuality, but now they’re actually going to have identity questions that form the basis of how they see themselves introduced to them at a very young age, which could lead them on the road to transition. And, as we know, in many jurisdictions across the Western world, it is actually illegal and against policy for teachers to inform parents that their children [began] identifying as a different gender at school.”

Jonathon underscored the impact of peer pressure and kids’ desire to be popular. “The fastest route to achieving that [popularity] is to identify somewhere on the LBGT spectrum.” He quoted from a 2019 column by Suzanne Glover in the Daily Mail about her then-13-year-old daughter’s experience at a U.K. public school.

Over the past year, Bella has totted it up, and she and her friends estimate that around 12 percent, one in eight, of her year group have already come out as gay, bisexual, or transgender. Other parents I talk to at similar girls’ selective schools near us in the Home Counties cite similar percentages.

And it’s not just single-sex schools. In council figures released last November, Dorothy Stringer, a High School in Brighton, was revealed to have 40 children who didn’t identify with the sex they were at birth, with another 36 out of 1,600 children saying they were gender fluid.

According to the Government’s latest Sexual Identity Census figures, which are gathered anonymously,1.6 percent of adult women in the UK identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. Although it is not tracked, it is estimated that the number of transgender people lies somewhere between 0.2 percent and 1 percent.

Jonathon pondered why this was so different in schools before continuing to read from the column: “One word whose meaning Bella did not yet know the meaning of was ‘cisgender.’ The word, which is being heard more and more, is defined as ‘people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth.’ In other words, Bella has been told she now has a label for being born a girl and wanting to stay one. Baffled, she told me after school: ‘I am a girl. I like being a girl. Until now, it didn’t occur to me that I needed to justify it.’”  

Rhetorically asking who introduced these ideas into this young girl’s head, Jonathon said “it’s the school. The school is introducing and encouraging and facilitating the identification with other genders and other sexualities and even encouraging sexual experimentation. And students are just trying to figure out, ‘Well, who am I, actually?’ but they’re being told that there’s an essentially infinite list of options that they can choose from, and there’s only one option that’s really, really boring.”

For more analysis on the rot in our public school system, tune in to this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show.

It’s Official: UN Set To Declare Monkeypox and Bird Flu As Global Emergency & Deploy Troops Worldwide

On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon addresses the potential dangers of sending your children to public schools.

(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon addresses the potential dangers of sending your children to public schools.

Jonathon begins the show by briefly discussing how the public school system has become anti-Christian as our society has become more modern.

“State schools exist to promulgate state ideology and, of course, we now live in a society no longer rooted in the values of scriptural revelation, we no longer live in societies rooted in Christian values. We instead live in societies that are formed by the sexual revolution that has unfolded since the 1960s,” Jonathan said. He added that while this has been true for some time, what we’re seeing in schools now, such as sexually explicit drag shows, is so bad that we’re practically nostalgic for the public schools of 20 years ago.

He notes that author Katy Faust, in her recent book Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City: Teaching Historical, Economic, and Biological Truth in a World of Lies, suggests parents can send their kids to public schools as long as parents are rooting them in Christian and conservative values at home. But Jonathon disagrees with this thesis: “I increasingly don’t think that the public school in any way, shape, or form can be retaken, despite the fact that I am cheering on those parental rights movements, the parental rights protesters.”

Jonathon pointed to the counter-example of grassroots groups like Moms for Liberty taking over school boards, firing principals and diversity coordinators, and ensuring that a woke, pro-LGBT curriculum was not introduced to their kids. “I still do, however, think that it’s incredibly dangerous because I do believe that these are state schools, and I do believe that the ideology of the state is now fundamentally antithetical to Christianity.”

To support his thesis, Jonathon dove into the impact that a public school education has had on our culture, citing state ideology as having filled the vacuum left by the decline of religion. However, he emphasizes that it’s also important to note how effective the indoctrination of children in the public education system has been:

A 2022 report highlighted new data from the Seattle public schools that shows an 853 percent spike in students identifying as ‘non-binary’ over only three years. So, in 2019, 53 out of 55,417 students identified as ‘non-binary.’ ‘Non-binary’ means you’re not identifying as male or female; you’re just sort of some random other. By the 2022-2023 school year, that number was up to 505, including, get this, three children in preschool, 16 in kindergarten, 89 in grades 1-5, 125 in middle school, and 272 in high school. I think it’s obvious to any reasonable person that a child of four or five years old identifying as ‘non-binary’ has almost nothing to do with that child’s identity, which he or she can not even conceptualize at that age.

The reality is that children have been recruited into an industrial-scale social experiment, especially with regards to the new gender ideology that has permeated almost all our society in a short amount of time.

Jonathon added that gender ideology has ramped up the potential costs of sending children to a public school. “Your kid isn’t just going to maybe learn a very liberal view of sex and sexuality, but now they’re actually going to have identity questions that form the basis of how they see themselves introduced to them at a very young age, which could lead them on the road to transition. And, as we know, in many jurisdictions across the Western world, it is actually illegal and against policy for teachers to inform parents that their children [began] identifying as a different gender at school.”

Jonathon underscored the impact of peer pressure and kids’ desire to be popular. “The fastest route to achieving that [popularity] is to identify somewhere on the LBGT spectrum.” He quoted from a 2019 column by Suzanne Glover in the Daily Mail about her then-13-year-old daughter’s experience at a U.K. public school.

Over the past year, Bella has totted it up, and she and her friends estimate that around 12 percent, one in eight, of her year group have already come out as gay, bisexual, or transgender. Other parents I talk to at similar girls’ selective schools near us in the Home Counties cite similar percentages.

And it’s not just single-sex schools. In council figures released last November, Dorothy Stringer, a High School in Brighton, was revealed to have 40 children who didn’t identify with the sex they were at birth, with another 36 out of 1,600 children saying they were gender fluid.

According to the Government’s latest Sexual Identity Census figures, which are gathered anonymously,1.6 percent of adult women in the UK identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. Although it is not tracked, it is estimated that the number of transgender people lies somewhere between 0.2 percent and 1 percent.

Jonathon pondered why this was so different in schools before continuing to read from the column: “One word whose meaning Bella did not yet know the meaning of was ‘cisgender.’ The word, which is being heard more and more, is defined as ‘people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth.’ In other words, Bella has been told she now has a label for being born a girl and wanting to stay one. Baffled, she told me after school: ‘I am a girl. I like being a girl. Until now, it didn’t occur to me that I needed to justify it.’”  

Rhetorically asking who introduced these ideas into this young girl’s head, Jonathon said “it’s the school. The school is introducing and encouraging and facilitating the identification with other genders and other sexualities and even encouraging sexual experimentation. And students are just trying to figure out, ‘Well, who am I, actually?’ but they’re being told that there’s an essentially infinite list of options that they can choose from, and there’s only one option that’s really, really boring.”

For more analysis on the rot in our public school system, tune in to this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show.

It’s Official: UN Set To Declare Monkeypox and Bird Flu As Global Emergency & Deploy Troops Worldwide
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