(LifeSiteNews) — The pro-life investigators of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) have released previously-unreleased footage from their original 2015 investigation in which Planned Parenthood officials reveal how they mutilate the bodies of aborted babies to disguise the illegal abortion methods employed to kill them.
On Tuesday, CMP released video, which Planned Parenthood had fought to block for the past eight years, of two conversations at the National Abortion Federation’s (NAF) 2015 commercial trade show between Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Texas) chief medical officer Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, vice president of abortion access Tram Nguyen, RN, and undercover CMP journalists who the abortion insiders thought were laboratory wholesalers.
The footage contains more examples of the officials making light of the barbaric nature of their business, such as Nguyen saying at one point, “I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have like a leg for you!’ I’m like, oh sh**, if other people were to hear me, they’d be like, you are f***ing evil.”
But the most significant revelation is Schutt-Aine’s discussion of sometimes needing to take more “passes” at dismembering a baby within the womb “to avoid PBA,” partial-birth abortion, which has been illegal under federal law since 2003.
“If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus [navel], I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not PBA,” she says.
“Planned Parenthood repeatedly told Congress, the courts, and the public that it had ‘rebuffed’ any opportunity to sell aborted baby body parts in Texas,” CMP founder and project lead David Daleiden said of the latest footage. “This finally-released undercover footage shows that in reality, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was ghoulishly eager to rip healthy babies out of vulnerable patients whole and alive, and mutilate their bodies after to sell body parts for top dollar.”
“Kamala Harris, as California Attorney General, raided my home and seized this footage to try to block it from release for eight years, on orders from Planned Parenthood and NAF. It’s time for justice under the law for Big Abortion,” he added.
Starting in 2015, CMP began releasing a series of secretly recorded conversations with officials from Planned Parenthood and NAF that set off a firestorm of controversy and a string of revelations about the abortion industry breaking multiple federal laws against profiting off human organs, altering abortion procedures for the sake of procuring better tissue samples, and potentially even committing partial-birth abortions or infanticide, as well as video examples of abortion workers displaying callousness toward the humanity of the children their work killed.
Despite pro-life outcry or the severity of the scandal, however, neither the Obama, Trump, nor Biden administrations ever took action against any of the implicated abortion organizations over CMP’s findings.
During March testimony on Capitol Hill, Daleiden called out Vice President Kamala Harris, who was Attorney General of California at the time the original baby-parts scandal broke and has since become Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee, for complicity in a “cover-up” of the abortion giant’s crimes. Instead of prosecuting abortion-industry figures for the crimes exposed in California, Harris raided Daleiden’s home to seize his undercover footage and prosecuted him. Emails were later uncovered indicating that Harris’s office coordinated with Planned Parenthood on the situation.
In the years since, Daleiden and CMP were hit with various lawsuits and felony charges on claims of trespassing, misidentifying themselves with fake driver’s licenses, and recording people without their consent. CMP argued that the federal Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act had been misapplied, but in December they lost its final appeal of a nearly $16 million judgment against the pro-life group. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene last October.
Planned Parenthood fought for eight years to prevent the release of the Center for Medical Progress' newest video, which sheds even more light on the abortion industry's callousness about dismembering living babies and flouting federal law.
(LifeSiteNews) — The pro-life investigators of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) have released previously-unreleased footage from their original 2015 investigation in which Planned Parenthood officials reveal how they mutilate the bodies of aborted babies to disguise the illegal abortion methods employed to kill them.
On Tuesday, CMP released video, which Planned Parenthood had fought to block for the past eight years, of two conversations at the National Abortion Federation’s (NAF) 2015 commercial trade show between Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Texas) chief medical officer Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, vice president of abortion access Tram Nguyen, RN, and undercover CMP journalists who the abortion insiders thought were laboratory wholesalers.
The footage contains more examples of the officials making light of the barbaric nature of their business, such as Nguyen saying at one point, “I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have like a leg for you!’ I’m like, oh sh**, if other people were to hear me, they’d be like, you are f***ing evil.”
But the most significant revelation is Schutt-Aine’s discussion of sometimes needing to take more “passes” at dismembering a baby within the womb “to avoid PBA,” partial-birth abortion, which has been illegal under federal law since 2003.
“If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus [navel], I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not PBA,” she says.
“Planned Parenthood repeatedly told Congress, the courts, and the public that it had ‘rebuffed’ any opportunity to sell aborted baby body parts in Texas,” CMP founder and project lead David Daleiden said of the latest footage. “This finally-released undercover footage shows that in reality, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was ghoulishly eager to rip healthy babies out of vulnerable patients whole and alive, and mutilate their bodies after to sell body parts for top dollar.”
“Kamala Harris, as California Attorney General, raided my home and seized this footage to try to block it from release for eight years, on orders from Planned Parenthood and NAF. It’s time for justice under the law for Big Abortion,” he added.
Starting in 2015, CMP began releasing a series of secretly recorded conversations with officials from Planned Parenthood and NAF that set off a firestorm of controversy and a string of revelations about the abortion industry breaking multiple federal laws against profiting off human organs, altering abortion procedures for the sake of procuring better tissue samples, and potentially even committing partial-birth abortions or infanticide, as well as video examples of abortion workers displaying callousness toward the humanity of the children their work killed.
Despite pro-life outcry or the severity of the scandal, however, neither the Obama, Trump, nor Biden administrations ever took action against any of the implicated abortion organizations over CMP’s findings.
During March testimony on Capitol Hill, Daleiden called out Vice President Kamala Harris, who was Attorney General of California at the time the original baby-parts scandal broke and has since become Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee, for complicity in a “cover-up” of the abortion giant’s crimes. Instead of prosecuting abortion-industry figures for the crimes exposed in California, Harris raided Daleiden’s home to seize his undercover footage and prosecuted him. Emails were later uncovered indicating that Harris’s office coordinated with Planned Parenthood on the situation.
In the years since, Daleiden and CMP were hit with various lawsuits and felony charges on claims of trespassing, misidentifying themselves with fake driver’s licenses, and recording people without their consent. CMP argued that the federal Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act had been misapplied, but in December they lost its final appeal of a nearly $16 million judgment against the pro-life group. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene last October.