Netanyahu Utilizes ‘Big Lie’ Tactic in Address to US Congress, Receives 58 Standing Ovations

[Collection]Contract WriterThe Israeli prime minister told untruths during his speech, including outrageous calumnies in a continued effort to create and maintain political space for executing mass genocide in Gaza, a perennial Zionist objective.

(LifeSiteNews) — In an address before a joint session of Congress last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to maintain the “big lie” propaganda technique described in the Jewish Virtual Library and, with no little irony, attributed to the words and actions of Adolf Hitler.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” the Jewish Virtual Library entry reads. “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

How these tactics of relentless lying and censorship have been utilized, for example, in the COVID-19 “vaccine” injection campaigns hardly needs to be presented to LifeSiteNews readers. As summarized even more than three years ago by Dr. Michael Yeadon, it was “abundantly clear” that “everything” the public was told on this topic was “between untrue and downright lies,” while the efforts to censor such voices was incessantly executed by “elite” controlled media and social platforms.

The same tactics are plainly evident with Israeli war propaganda that was on full display last week as Netanyahu “received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine,” as described and documented by Australian commentator Caitlin Johnstone.

To cite just a few examples, the prime minister repeated long-debunked atrocity propaganda about the events of October 7 falsely asserting that Hamas “burnt babies alive” and killed two babies in an attic.

As early as last December, Israel’s own media reported from official local sources that only “one baby was murdered” that day, “10-month-old Mila Cohen,” who was apparently tragically killed by a stray bullet in a fire exchange between belligerents.

READ: Uncovering the truth behind Israel’s justification for its war in Gaza

In contrast, some might charge the prime minister of projection since he has presided over a horrendous genocidal attack upon the civilian population in Gaza, which has taken the lives of at least a reported 39,400 people, including the killing of 16,251 children as of July 22. This includes testimonies of children “incinerated,” “shredded,” “missing body parts,” “being crushed by buildings,” starving to death and toddlers being “definitively” and intentionally shot by Israeli snipers.

Contrary to the ‘big lie,’ Israel killed ‘hundreds’ of its own people on October 7, blamed Hamas

As is common with “the big lie” propaganda technique, the state and its acolytes in the media often inverse the truth in their constant repetitions, boldly accusing their adversaries of the crimes they themselves commit.

Thus, as the Jewish Virtual Library explains, “even though the facts which prove” such statements to be outrageous lies “may be brought clearly” to the minds of the public, many people “will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”

Netanyahu, whom Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal describes as the “genocidal criminal of the century,” went on to tell Congress that Hamas wants “Palestinian civilians to die so that Israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressured to end the war.”

READ: Israeli soldiers celebrate the ‘torturing, humiliating, and mocking’ of Palestinians on social media

Yet earlier in the speech, the foreign head of government repeated to Congress the often incomplete propaganda refrain that Hamas had “butchered 1,200 people” as a result of the October 7 raid while withholding the well-established facts reported by the Israeli press that perhaps hundreds of the 1,139 Israeli deaths, including 782 unarmed civilians, were killed by the Israeli forces themselves through indiscriminate fire and even the deliberate targeting of homes and vehicles where Israeli hostages were known to be present.

This means that after Netanyahu’s army deliberately killed many of its own citizens, his nation’s propaganda ministry, which has firm roots in the Western press, even in the so-called “alternative media,” continues to lie, “smearing” their adversaries by blaming them for these barbarous murders they intentionally committed against their own people in order to pursue an advantage in the international press themselves.

On October 7, Israel killed ‘more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history’

This irony was thus explained by Blumenthal in a July 13 interview when he observed that “the Israeli army has been confirmed as a leading participant in what Vice President Kamala Harris called ‘the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.’”

“And Israel’s whole mission, its reason to exist, is supposed to be to keep Jews safe. And here they are killing more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history and doing it deliberately for political reasons,” he observed.

Furthermore, the purpose of inflating the death toll with these atrocities and propaganda was for Israel “to give itself more political space to destroy all of Gaza, kill a large percentage of the population and commit genocide,” Blumenthal continued. And when the inflated numbers were not sufficient to fulfill these ends, “they concocted ‘mass rape,’ ‘beheaded babies,’ (and) ‘fetuses cut from women.’ But it all started with first exaggerating the death toll.”

READ: Israel used ‘Hannibal Directive’ to kill its own people on October 7, local media reports

Therefore, with the Middle East prime minister also ironically framing the conflict as “a clash between barbarism and civilization” for his American audience last week, radio host Scott Horton agreed, stating, “Netanyahu is right that it’s barbarianism versus civilization, but he clearly is the barbarian.”

This is further confirmed by his public statements erroneously citing “a 3,000-year-old text (the Old Testament) for permission explicitly to kill innocent men, women, and children” while providing such genocidal instructions to the Israeli military, he said.

As recognized by close observers for months, including Colonel Douglas Macgregor, the Zionist project has had a long-standing goal of expelling the Palestinian people, including Christians, from the land they have lived on for centuries. The Israelis have made this goal “abundantly clear off and on for many years. This is not a secret. Now it’s happening.”

READ: Col. Macgregor: The ‘top priority’ for Israel is to make Gaza ‘unlivable,’ expel all survivors

‘Big lie’ inversion of truth further displayed in ‘human shield’ mantra

The Jewish Virtual Library entry goes on to explain that “in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility” because “the broad masses of a nation” would never consider fabricating “colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously” themselves. And thus, when the false propaganda is so often repeated, they will still doubt even clear facts that counter this narrative presenting the very opposite to be the truth.

Thus, the Israelis’ “big lie” inversion of the truth is further displayed in the long-repeated claim that Palestinians commit the international crime of using their own people as “human shields” that is intended to provide the Israeli army with a supposed propaganda alibi for their massive slaughter of tens of thousands of children and women in the last 10 months, and many more over the last several decades.

Netanyahu was sure to include this repeated reference in his speech, stating that “a senior Hamas official” had “boasted that Palestinian women and children ‘excel at being human shields.’”

The reality: Israel guilty of using human shields to a colossal degree, even as a formal policy

The only problem is for many years it has been clear there is virtually no evidence for Palestinians using human shields, even while, ironically, the evidence is decisive that the Israeli army has routinely committed this international crime themselves, for decades, and even as an exercise of established policy.

In 2005, the Guardian reported how the Israeli high court sought to put the practice to an end ruling “that the (Israeli) army’s long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law” and must come to an end.

The original case had been filed by “human rights organizations that said the army routinely forced Palestinian civilians into dangerous situations as a means to protect soldiers. Some of the most common methods were to force Palestinians into buildings to see if they were booby-trapped, or to enter the hideouts of wanted men and tell them to surrender. Soldiers also forced civilians to stand in front of them when on patrol.”

So insistent upon maintaining the practice of using Palestinians, including children, as human shields, the Israeli military even sought to appeal the decision of their nation’s high court at the time in order to continue practicing this international war crime.

(LifeSiteNews) — In an address before a joint session of Congress last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to maintain the “big lie” propaganda technique described in the Jewish Virtual Library and, with no little irony, attributed to the words and actions of Adolf Hitler.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” the Jewish Virtual Library entry reads. “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

How these tactics of relentless lying and censorship have been utilized, for example, in the COVID-19 “vaccine” injection campaigns hardly needs to be presented to LifeSiteNews readers. As summarized even more than three years ago by Dr. Michael Yeadon, it was “abundantly clear” that “everything” the public was told on this topic was “between untrue and downright lies,” while the efforts to censor such voices was incessantly executed by “elite” controlled media and social platforms.

The same tactics are plainly evident with Israeli war propaganda that was on full display last week as Netanyahu “received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine,” as described and documented by Australian commentator Caitlin Johnstone.

To cite just a few examples, the prime minister repeated long-debunked atrocity propaganda about the events of October 7 falsely asserting that Hamas “burnt babies alive” and killed two babies in an attic.

As early as last December, Israel’s own media reported from official local sources that only “one baby was murdered” that day, “10-month-old Mila Cohen,” who was apparently tragically killed by a stray bullet in a fire exchange between belligerents.

READ: Uncovering the truth behind Israel’s justification for its war in Gaza

In contrast, some might charge the prime minister of projection since he has presided over a horrendous genocidal attack upon the civilian population in Gaza, which has taken the lives of at least a reported 39,400 people, including the killing of 16,251 children as of July 22. This includes testimonies of children “incinerated,” “shredded,” “missing body parts,” “being crushed by buildings,” starving to death and toddlers being “definitively” and intentionally shot by Israeli snipers.

Contrary to the ‘big lie,’ Israel killed ‘hundreds’ of its own people on October 7, blamed Hamas

As is common with “the big lie” propaganda technique, the state and its acolytes in the media often inverse the truth in their constant repetitions, boldly accusing their adversaries of the crimes they themselves commit.


Thus, as the Jewish Virtual Library explains, “even though the facts which prove” such statements to be outrageous lies “may be brought clearly” to the minds of the public, many people “will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”

Netanyahu, whom Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal describes as the “genocidal criminal of the century,” went on to tell Congress that Hamas wants “Palestinian civilians to die so that Israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressured to end the war.”

READ: Israeli soldiers celebrate the ‘torturing, humiliating, and mocking’ of Palestinians on social media

Yet earlier in the speech, the foreign head of government repeated to Congress the often incomplete propaganda refrain that Hamas had “butchered 1,200 people” as a result of the October 7 raid while withholding the well-established facts reported by the Israeli press that perhaps hundreds of the 1,139 Israeli deaths, including 782 unarmed civilians, were killed by the Israeli forces themselves through indiscriminate fire and even the deliberate targeting of homes and vehicles where Israeli hostages were known to be present.

This means that after Netanyahu’s army deliberately killed many of its own citizens, his nation’s propaganda ministry, which has firm roots in the Western press, even in the so-called “alternative media,” continues to lie, “smearing” their adversaries by blaming them for these barbarous murders they intentionally committed against their own people in order to pursue an advantage in the international press themselves.

On October 7, Israel killed ‘more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history’

This irony was thus explained by Blumenthal in a July 13 interview when he observed that “the Israeli army has been confirmed as a leading participant in what Vice President Kamala Harris called ‘the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.’”

“And Israel’s whole mission, its reason to exist, is supposed to be to keep Jews safe. And here they are killing more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history and doing it deliberately for political reasons,” he observed.

Furthermore, the purpose of inflating the death toll with these atrocities and propaganda was for Israel “to give itself more political space to destroy all of Gaza, kill a large percentage of the population and commit genocide,” Blumenthal continued. And when the inflated numbers were not sufficient to fulfill these ends, “they concocted ‘mass rape,’ ‘beheaded babies,’ (and) ‘fetuses cut from women.’ But it all started with first exaggerating the death toll.”

READ: Israel used ‘Hannibal Directive’ to kill its own people on October 7, local media reports

Therefore, with the Middle East prime minister also ironically framing the conflict as “a clash between barbarism and civilization” for his American audience last week, radio host Scott Horton agreed, stating, “Netanyahu is right that it’s barbarianism versus civilization, but he clearly is the barbarian.”

This is further confirmed by his public statements erroneously citing “a 3,000-year-old text (the Old Testament) for permission explicitly to kill innocent men, women, and children” while providing such genocidal instructions to the Israeli military, he said.

As recognized by close observers for months, including Colonel Douglas Macgregor, the Zionist project has had a long-standing goal of expelling the Palestinian people, including Christians, from the land they have lived on for centuries. The Israelis have made this goal “abundantly clear off and on for many years. This is not a secret. Now it’s happening.”

READ: Col. Macgregor: The ‘top priority’ for Israel is to make Gaza ‘unlivable,’ expel all survivors

‘Big lie’ inversion of truth further displayed in ‘human shield’ mantra

The Jewish Virtual Library entry goes on to explain that “in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility” because “the broad masses of a nation” would never consider fabricating “colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously” themselves. And thus, when the false propaganda is so often repeated, they will still doubt even clear facts that counter this narrative presenting the very opposite to be the truth.

Thus, the Israelis’ “big lie” inversion of the truth is further displayed in the long-repeated claim that Palestinians commit the international crime of using their own people as “human shields” that is intended to provide the Israeli army with a supposed propaganda alibi for their massive slaughter of tens of thousands of children and women in the last 10 months, and many more over the last several decades.

Netanyahu was sure to include this repeated reference in his speech, stating that “a senior Hamas official” had “boasted that Palestinian women and children ‘excel at being human shields.’”

The reality: Israel guilty of using human shields to a colossal degree, even as a formal policy

The only problem is for many years it has been clear there is virtually no evidence for Palestinians using human shields, even while, ironically, the evidence is decisive that the Israeli army has routinely committed this international crime themselves, for decades, and even as an exercise of established policy.

In 2005, the Guardian reported how the Israeli high court sought to put the practice to an end ruling “that the (Israeli) army’s long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law” and must come to an end.

The original case had been filed by “human rights organizations that said the army routinely forced Palestinian civilians into dangerous situations as a means to protect soldiers. Some of the most common methods were to force Palestinians into buildings to see if they were booby-trapped, or to enter the hideouts of wanted men and tell them to surrender. Soldiers also forced civilians to stand in front of them when on patrol.”

So insistent upon maintaining the practice of using Palestinians, including children, as human shields, the Israeli military even sought to appeal the decision of their nation’s high court at the time in order to continue practicing this international war crime.

In regard to the current conflict, reports of such continued criminality include a harrowing account of the Israeli army forcing Palestinian men to stand as human shields while “the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters.” Other reports from this summer reveal at least one injured Palestinian man being strapped to the hood of an Army vehicle in the West Bank for the same purpose.

In regard to the current conflict, reports of such continued criminality include a harrowing account of the Israeli army forcing Palestinian men to stand as human shields while “the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters.” Other reports from this summer reveal at least one injured Palestinian man being strapped to the hood of an Army vehicle in the West Bank for the same purpose.

Thus, despite decades of Israeli propaganda relentlessly telling this “colossal untruth” that Palestinians use human shields, the opposite has been the case with the Israeli army routinely abusing Palestinians in this way, including children, in violation of international law. And such facts should help the objective reader recognize this big liewhich has been relentlessly spread, not only by Netanyahu, but by the extensive Israeli propaganda ministry, including the U.S. government and media, for many decades.

Netanyahu’s weaponized calumnies: ‘useful idiot’ protesters funded by Iran?

In fact, the prime minister has been widely quoted explicitly endorsing a form of the “big lie” tactic, once telling Likud Party loyalists in 2001, “It doesn’t matter if justice is on your side. You have to depict your position as just.”

Apparently attempting such a depiction to repress dissent, the foreign potentate utilized absurd calumny against the thousands of American protesters who had descended upon Washington to demonstrate against him and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

With Jews themselves often serving as the vanguard of these protests, including family members of Israeli hostages who were arrested in the House of Representatives chamber for wearing T-shirts protesting the prime minister, Netanyahu suggested, absent any evidence, that the protesters were being funded by Iran.

For all we know, Iran is funding the anti-Israel protests that are going on right now, outside this building … well, I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.

Again, the ironies abound. First, while there is absolutely no evidence that Iran is funding these protesters, it is conclusively evident that the Israel Lobby in the U.S. has, in the words of military and political analyst Scott Ritter, “bought and paid for” the U.S. Congress that provided the foreign prime minister with almost one standing ovation per minute in a one-hour speech.

Irony: Israel Lobby’s funding of Congress reduces U.S. to an ‘extension’ of ‘genocidal’ state

“Israel has bragged about buying the U.S. Congress,” the former U.S. Marines Corps intelligence officer conveyed in a recent interview. “And this is the result, where a war criminal, a man who has been accused of genocide, who has arrest warrants being prepared for him by the International Court of Justice, a man who heads a state (Israel) that has been defined legally as an apartheid state, carrying out an illegal and unjust occupation, and again, genocide of the Palestinian people, has demanded an audience to the Congress that he has bought and paid for.”

“This is the U.S. Congress obeying the commands of the man who leads the nation (Israel) that owns the U.S. Congress,” Ritter continued. “And they own the White House as well. They own the president. They own both candidates for president. This is the sad reality of the political situation in the United States today. We don’t act as a sovereign nation. We act basically as an extension of this genocidal entity known as Israel.”

According to Netanyahu’s reasoning, this would therefore mean the vast majority of the U.S. Congress remains highly compensated “useful idiots” who have become accomplices in the international war crime of genocide against Palestinian Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities as well.

Israel’s propaganda operations employing paid ‘useful idiot’ protesters well documented

And a further examination reveals that, again, it is the Zionist movement that is guilty of paying protesters to create an illusion of strong grassroots support for Israel that polls in the U.S. regularly reveal to be lacking.

In a 2018 four-part Al Jazeera documentary — which had been censored by its own network due to pressure from the U.S. government and incensed Zionist lobbyists — undercover footage is presented revealing young adults participating in a fellowship program for Washington, D.C.-based organizations, being required by their employers to act as “foot soldiers” of the Zionist movement and to engage individuals at a pro-Palestinian conference happening at George Mason University.

Though the young protesters were generally employed to assist in the broader “conservative movement,” one young participant complained that they had been “forced” to participate in this Zionist activity with another confirming that their supervisor designated their presence as “mandatory.”

A third young man complained that he had not been sufficiently convinced to support the cause, was not committed to it, and yet he and his friend “sold out to the Jewish conspiracy for money” anyway at a price of “$50,000 plus benefits.”

Addressing these tactics in the documentary, Blumenthal said, these Zionist organizations were “manufacturing the image of a grassroots movement with corporate money by basically paying people to appear as activists. It just shows how little actual grassroots power they have and how all of their power is at the top.”

Political irony: Pro-abort pols boycott as almost all ‘pro-life’ members applaud ‘war criminal’

The growing disapproval of Israel’s genocidal attack upon the people of Gaza and the West Bank has reinforced massive support for the State of Palestine internationally, and now, perhaps, begun to show signs of making inroads into the U.S. political environment as well.

READ: UN member states deepen isolation of Israel, US by voting 153 to 10 for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

In the aftermath of Netanyahu’s speech, Jewish Voice for Peace sought to identify a silver lining by proclaiming “the demise of the bipartisan consensus on Israel” since“over 130 Democrats boycotted” the foreign prime minister’s presentation.

“In a desperate attempt to make this authoritarian leader appear popular, seats were filled with guests, rather than elected officials,” the JVP tweet explained. “The far-right agenda of groups like AIPAC that seek to back Israel’s crimes against humanity are growing more toxic by the day, and the will of American voters who want a human-rights centered foreign policy is breaking through.”

The Democrats boycotting the Israeli leader were ironically all pro-abortion and included Nancy PelosiBernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The further irony is every self-identified pro-life member of Congress except one attended the speech by Netanyahu, who since last October has presided over the killingof more than 16,250 children and the injuring of 38,000 more with mostly American munitions approved and paid for by the U.S. Congress.

The lone exception is Rep. Thomas Massie, who recently made headlines for exposing “the Zionist lobby’s power over Congress” in a June 7 interview with Tucker Carlson.

The Republican from Kentucky tweeted last week, “Today Congress will undertake political theater on behalf of the State Department. The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int’l opposition to his war. I don’t feel like being a prop so I won’t be attending.”

Also making his voice heard was Rev. Munther Isaac, a Lutheran pastor in Bethlehem who has become a prominent voice in the West representing the assessment of the conflict from Christians in the region since his April interview with Carlson.

READ: Holy Land pastor tells Tucker Carlson that Israel’s occupation must end, calls US policy ‘horrifying’

Posting a photo on Twitter/X of Democrat and Palestinian American Rep. Rashida Tlaib in the House chamber holding a sign up to Netanyahu reading “GUILTY OF GENOCIDE,” the pastor wrote, “Gaza has become the moral compass of the world. I want you to look in the mirror and ask: where was I when Gaza was going through a genocide.”

BREAKING VIDEO: James O’Keefe Predicts Multiple Black Swan Events To Stop Trump

The Israeli prime minister told untruths during his speech, including outrageous calumnies in a continued effort to create and maintain political space for executing mass genocide in Gaza, a perennial Zionist objective.

(LifeSiteNews) — In an address before a joint session of Congress last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to maintain the “big lie” propaganda technique described in the Jewish Virtual Library and, with no little irony, attributed to the words and actions of Adolf Hitler.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” the Jewish Virtual Library entry reads. “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

How these tactics of relentless lying and censorship have been utilized, for example, in the COVID-19 “vaccine” injection campaigns hardly needs to be presented to LifeSiteNews readers. As summarized even more than three years ago by Dr. Michael Yeadon, it was “abundantly clear” that “everything” the public was told on this topic was “between untrue and downright lies,” while the efforts to censor such voices was incessantly executed by “elite” controlled media and social platforms.

The same tactics are plainly evident with Israeli war propaganda that was on full display last week as Netanyahu “received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine,” as described and documented by Australian commentator Caitlin Johnstone.

To cite just a few examples, the prime minister repeated long-debunked atrocity propaganda about the events of October 7 falsely asserting that Hamas “burnt babies alive” and killed two babies in an attic.

As early as last December, Israel’s own media reported from official local sources that only “one baby was murdered” that day, “10-month-old Mila Cohen,” who was apparently tragically killed by a stray bullet in a fire exchange between belligerents.

READ: Uncovering the truth behind Israel’s justification for its war in Gaza

In contrast, some might charge the prime minister of projection since he has presided over a horrendous genocidal attack upon the civilian population in Gaza, which has taken the lives of at least a reported 39,400 people, including the killing of 16,251 children as of July 22. This includes testimonies of children “incinerated,” “shredded,” “missing body parts,” “being crushed by buildings,” starving to death and toddlers being “definitively” and intentionally shot by Israeli snipers.

Contrary to the ‘big lie,’ Israel killed ‘hundreds’ of its own people on October 7, blamed Hamas

As is common with “the big lie” propaganda technique, the state and its acolytes in the media often inverse the truth in their constant repetitions, boldly accusing their adversaries of the crimes they themselves commit.

Thus, as the Jewish Virtual Library explains, “even though the facts which prove” such statements to be outrageous lies “may be brought clearly” to the minds of the public, many people “will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”

Netanyahu, whom Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal describes as the “genocidal criminal of the century,” went on to tell Congress that Hamas wants “Palestinian civilians to die so that Israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressured to end the war.”

READ: Israeli soldiers celebrate the ‘torturing, humiliating, and mocking’ of Palestinians on social media

Yet earlier in the speech, the foreign head of government repeated to Congress the often incomplete propaganda refrain that Hamas had “butchered 1,200 people” as a result of the October 7 raid while withholding the well-established facts reported by the Israeli press that perhaps hundreds of the 1,139 Israeli deaths, including 782 unarmed civilians, were killed by the Israeli forces themselves through indiscriminate fire and even the deliberate targeting of homes and vehicles where Israeli hostages were known to be present.

This means that after Netanyahu’s army deliberately killed many of its own citizens, his nation’s propaganda ministry, which has firm roots in the Western press, even in the so-called “alternative media,” continues to lie, “smearing” their adversaries by blaming them for these barbarous murders they intentionally committed against their own people in order to pursue an advantage in the international press themselves.

On October 7, Israel killed ‘more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history’

This irony was thus explained by Blumenthal in a July 13 interview when he observed that “the Israeli army has been confirmed as a leading participant in what Vice President Kamala Harris called ‘the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.’”

“And Israel’s whole mission, its reason to exist, is supposed to be to keep Jews safe. And here they are killing more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history and doing it deliberately for political reasons,” he observed.

Furthermore, the purpose of inflating the death toll with these atrocities and propaganda was for Israel “to give itself more political space to destroy all of Gaza, kill a large percentage of the population and commit genocide,” Blumenthal continued. And when the inflated numbers were not sufficient to fulfill these ends, “they concocted ‘mass rape,’ ‘beheaded babies,’ (and) ‘fetuses cut from women.’ But it all started with first exaggerating the death toll.”

READ: Israel used ‘Hannibal Directive’ to kill its own people on October 7, local media reports

Therefore, with the Middle East prime minister also ironically framing the conflict as “a clash between barbarism and civilization” for his American audience last week, radio host Scott Horton agreed, stating, “Netanyahu is right that it’s barbarianism versus civilization, but he clearly is the barbarian.”

This is further confirmed by his public statements erroneously citing “a 3,000-year-old text (the Old Testament) for permission explicitly to kill innocent men, women, and children” while providing such genocidal instructions to the Israeli military, he said.

As recognized by close observers for months, including Colonel Douglas Macgregor, the Zionist project has had a long-standing goal of expelling the Palestinian people, including Christians, from the land they have lived on for centuries. The Israelis have made this goal “abundantly clear off and on for many years. This is not a secret. Now it’s happening.”

READ: Col. Macgregor: The ‘top priority’ for Israel is to make Gaza ‘unlivable,’ expel all survivors

‘Big lie’ inversion of truth further displayed in ‘human shield’ mantra

The Jewish Virtual Library entry goes on to explain that “in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility” because “the broad masses of a nation” would never consider fabricating “colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously” themselves. And thus, when the false propaganda is so often repeated, they will still doubt even clear facts that counter this narrative presenting the very opposite to be the truth.

Thus, the Israelis’ “big lie” inversion of the truth is further displayed in the long-repeated claim that Palestinians commit the international crime of using their own people as “human shields” that is intended to provide the Israeli army with a supposed propaganda alibi for their massive slaughter of tens of thousands of children and women in the last 10 months, and many more over the last several decades.

Netanyahu was sure to include this repeated reference in his speech, stating that “a senior Hamas official” had “boasted that Palestinian women and children ‘excel at being human shields.’”

The reality: Israel guilty of using human shields to a colossal degree, even as a formal policy

The only problem is for many years it has been clear there is virtually no evidence for Palestinians using human shields, even while, ironically, the evidence is decisive that the Israeli army has routinely committed this international crime themselves, for decades, and even as an exercise of established policy.

In 2005, the Guardian reported how the Israeli high court sought to put the practice to an end ruling “that the (Israeli) army’s long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law” and must come to an end.

The original case had been filed by “human rights organizations that said the army routinely forced Palestinian civilians into dangerous situations as a means to protect soldiers. Some of the most common methods were to force Palestinians into buildings to see if they were booby-trapped, or to enter the hideouts of wanted men and tell them to surrender. Soldiers also forced civilians to stand in front of them when on patrol.”

So insistent upon maintaining the practice of using Palestinians, including children, as human shields, the Israeli military even sought to appeal the decision of their nation’s high court at the time in order to continue practicing this international war crime.

(LifeSiteNews) — In an address before a joint session of Congress last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to maintain the “big lie” propaganda technique described in the Jewish Virtual Library and, with no little irony, attributed to the words and actions of Adolf Hitler.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” the Jewish Virtual Library entry reads. “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

How these tactics of relentless lying and censorship have been utilized, for example, in the COVID-19 “vaccine” injection campaigns hardly needs to be presented to LifeSiteNews readers. As summarized even more than three years ago by Dr. Michael Yeadon, it was “abundantly clear” that “everything” the public was told on this topic was “between untrue and downright lies,” while the efforts to censor such voices was incessantly executed by “elite” controlled media and social platforms.

The same tactics are plainly evident with Israeli war propaganda that was on full display last week as Netanyahu “received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine,” as described and documented by Australian commentator Caitlin Johnstone.

To cite just a few examples, the prime minister repeated long-debunked atrocity propaganda about the events of October 7 falsely asserting that Hamas “burnt babies alive” and killed two babies in an attic.

As early as last December, Israel’s own media reported from official local sources that only “one baby was murdered” that day, “10-month-old Mila Cohen,” who was apparently tragically killed by a stray bullet in a fire exchange between belligerents.

READ: Uncovering the truth behind Israel’s justification for its war in Gaza

In contrast, some might charge the prime minister of projection since he has presided over a horrendous genocidal attack upon the civilian population in Gaza, which has taken the lives of at least a reported 39,400 people, including the killing of 16,251 children as of July 22. This includes testimonies of children “incinerated,” “shredded,” “missing body parts,” “being crushed by buildings,” starving to death and toddlers being “definitively” and intentionally shot by Israeli snipers.

Contrary to the ‘big lie,’ Israel killed ‘hundreds’ of its own people on October 7, blamed Hamas

As is common with “the big lie” propaganda technique, the state and its acolytes in the media often inverse the truth in their constant repetitions, boldly accusing their adversaries of the crimes they themselves commit.


Thus, as the Jewish Virtual Library explains, “even though the facts which prove” such statements to be outrageous lies “may be brought clearly” to the minds of the public, many people “will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”

Netanyahu, whom Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal describes as the “genocidal criminal of the century,” went on to tell Congress that Hamas wants “Palestinian civilians to die so that Israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressured to end the war.”

READ: Israeli soldiers celebrate the ‘torturing, humiliating, and mocking’ of Palestinians on social media

Yet earlier in the speech, the foreign head of government repeated to Congress the often incomplete propaganda refrain that Hamas had “butchered 1,200 people” as a result of the October 7 raid while withholding the well-established facts reported by the Israeli press that perhaps hundreds of the 1,139 Israeli deaths, including 782 unarmed civilians, were killed by the Israeli forces themselves through indiscriminate fire and even the deliberate targeting of homes and vehicles where Israeli hostages were known to be present.

This means that after Netanyahu’s army deliberately killed many of its own citizens, his nation’s propaganda ministry, which has firm roots in the Western press, even in the so-called “alternative media,” continues to lie, “smearing” their adversaries by blaming them for these barbarous murders they intentionally committed against their own people in order to pursue an advantage in the international press themselves.

On October 7, Israel killed ‘more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history’

This irony was thus explained by Blumenthal in a July 13 interview when he observed that “the Israeli army has been confirmed as a leading participant in what Vice President Kamala Harris called ‘the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.’”

“And Israel’s whole mission, its reason to exist, is supposed to be to keep Jews safe. And here they are killing more Jews than any other anti-Semite in recent history and doing it deliberately for political reasons,” he observed.

Furthermore, the purpose of inflating the death toll with these atrocities and propaganda was for Israel “to give itself more political space to destroy all of Gaza, kill a large percentage of the population and commit genocide,” Blumenthal continued. And when the inflated numbers were not sufficient to fulfill these ends, “they concocted ‘mass rape,’ ‘beheaded babies,’ (and) ‘fetuses cut from women.’ But it all started with first exaggerating the death toll.”

READ: Israel used ‘Hannibal Directive’ to kill its own people on October 7, local media reports

Therefore, with the Middle East prime minister also ironically framing the conflict as “a clash between barbarism and civilization” for his American audience last week, radio host Scott Horton agreed, stating, “Netanyahu is right that it’s barbarianism versus civilization, but he clearly is the barbarian.”

This is further confirmed by his public statements erroneously citing “a 3,000-year-old text (the Old Testament) for permission explicitly to kill innocent men, women, and children” while providing such genocidal instructions to the Israeli military, he said.

As recognized by close observers for months, including Colonel Douglas Macgregor, the Zionist project has had a long-standing goal of expelling the Palestinian people, including Christians, from the land they have lived on for centuries. The Israelis have made this goal “abundantly clear off and on for many years. This is not a secret. Now it’s happening.”

READ: Col. Macgregor: The ‘top priority’ for Israel is to make Gaza ‘unlivable,’ expel all survivors

‘Big lie’ inversion of truth further displayed in ‘human shield’ mantra

The Jewish Virtual Library entry goes on to explain that “in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility” because “the broad masses of a nation” would never consider fabricating “colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously” themselves. And thus, when the false propaganda is so often repeated, they will still doubt even clear facts that counter this narrative presenting the very opposite to be the truth.

Thus, the Israelis’ “big lie” inversion of the truth is further displayed in the long-repeated claim that Palestinians commit the international crime of using their own people as “human shields” that is intended to provide the Israeli army with a supposed propaganda alibi for their massive slaughter of tens of thousands of children and women in the last 10 months, and many more over the last several decades.

Netanyahu was sure to include this repeated reference in his speech, stating that “a senior Hamas official” had “boasted that Palestinian women and children ‘excel at being human shields.’”

The reality: Israel guilty of using human shields to a colossal degree, even as a formal policy

The only problem is for many years it has been clear there is virtually no evidence for Palestinians using human shields, even while, ironically, the evidence is decisive that the Israeli army has routinely committed this international crime themselves, for decades, and even as an exercise of established policy.

In 2005, the Guardian reported how the Israeli high court sought to put the practice to an end ruling “that the (Israeli) army’s long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law” and must come to an end.

The original case had been filed by “human rights organizations that said the army routinely forced Palestinian civilians into dangerous situations as a means to protect soldiers. Some of the most common methods were to force Palestinians into buildings to see if they were booby-trapped, or to enter the hideouts of wanted men and tell them to surrender. Soldiers also forced civilians to stand in front of them when on patrol.”

So insistent upon maintaining the practice of using Palestinians, including children, as human shields, the Israeli military even sought to appeal the decision of their nation’s high court at the time in order to continue practicing this international war crime.

In regard to the current conflict, reports of such continued criminality include a harrowing account of the Israeli army forcing Palestinian men to stand as human shields while “the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters.” Other reports from this summer reveal at least one injured Palestinian man being strapped to the hood of an Army vehicle in the West Bank for the same purpose.

In regard to the current conflict, reports of such continued criminality include a harrowing account of the Israeli army forcing Palestinian men to stand as human shields while “the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters.” Other reports from this summer reveal at least one injured Palestinian man being strapped to the hood of an Army vehicle in the West Bank for the same purpose.

Thus, despite decades of Israeli propaganda relentlessly telling this “colossal untruth” that Palestinians use human shields, the opposite has been the case with the Israeli army routinely abusing Palestinians in this way, including children, in violation of international law. And such facts should help the objective reader recognize this big liewhich has been relentlessly spread, not only by Netanyahu, but by the extensive Israeli propaganda ministry, including the U.S. government and media, for many decades.

Netanyahu’s weaponized calumnies: ‘useful idiot’ protesters funded by Iran?

In fact, the prime minister has been widely quoted explicitly endorsing a form of the “big lie” tactic, once telling Likud Party loyalists in 2001, “It doesn’t matter if justice is on your side. You have to depict your position as just.”

Apparently attempting such a depiction to repress dissent, the foreign potentate utilized absurd calumny against the thousands of American protesters who had descended upon Washington to demonstrate against him and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

With Jews themselves often serving as the vanguard of these protests, including family members of Israeli hostages who were arrested in the House of Representatives chamber for wearing T-shirts protesting the prime minister, Netanyahu suggested, absent any evidence, that the protesters were being funded by Iran.

For all we know, Iran is funding the anti-Israel protests that are going on right now, outside this building … well, I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.

Again, the ironies abound. First, while there is absolutely no evidence that Iran is funding these protesters, it is conclusively evident that the Israel Lobby in the U.S. has, in the words of military and political analyst Scott Ritter, “bought and paid for” the U.S. Congress that provided the foreign prime minister with almost one standing ovation per minute in a one-hour speech.

Irony: Israel Lobby’s funding of Congress reduces U.S. to an ‘extension’ of ‘genocidal’ state

“Israel has bragged about buying the U.S. Congress,” the former U.S. Marines Corps intelligence officer conveyed in a recent interview. “And this is the result, where a war criminal, a man who has been accused of genocide, who has arrest warrants being prepared for him by the International Court of Justice, a man who heads a state (Israel) that has been defined legally as an apartheid state, carrying out an illegal and unjust occupation, and again, genocide of the Palestinian people, has demanded an audience to the Congress that he has bought and paid for.”

“This is the U.S. Congress obeying the commands of the man who leads the nation (Israel) that owns the U.S. Congress,” Ritter continued. “And they own the White House as well. They own the president. They own both candidates for president. This is the sad reality of the political situation in the United States today. We don’t act as a sovereign nation. We act basically as an extension of this genocidal entity known as Israel.”

According to Netanyahu’s reasoning, this would therefore mean the vast majority of the U.S. Congress remains highly compensated “useful idiots” who have become accomplices in the international war crime of genocide against Palestinian Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities as well.

Israel’s propaganda operations employing paid ‘useful idiot’ protesters well documented

And a further examination reveals that, again, it is the Zionist movement that is guilty of paying protesters to create an illusion of strong grassroots support for Israel that polls in the U.S. regularly reveal to be lacking.

In a 2018 four-part Al Jazeera documentary — which had been censored by its own network due to pressure from the U.S. government and incensed Zionist lobbyists — undercover footage is presented revealing young adults participating in a fellowship program for Washington, D.C.-based organizations, being required by their employers to act as “foot soldiers” of the Zionist movement and to engage individuals at a pro-Palestinian conference happening at George Mason University.

Though the young protesters were generally employed to assist in the broader “conservative movement,” one young participant complained that they had been “forced” to participate in this Zionist activity with another confirming that their supervisor designated their presence as “mandatory.”

A third young man complained that he had not been sufficiently convinced to support the cause, was not committed to it, and yet he and his friend “sold out to the Jewish conspiracy for money” anyway at a price of “$50,000 plus benefits.”

Addressing these tactics in the documentary, Blumenthal said, these Zionist organizations were “manufacturing the image of a grassroots movement with corporate money by basically paying people to appear as activists. It just shows how little actual grassroots power they have and how all of their power is at the top.”

Political irony: Pro-abort pols boycott as almost all ‘pro-life’ members applaud ‘war criminal’

The growing disapproval of Israel’s genocidal attack upon the people of Gaza and the West Bank has reinforced massive support for the State of Palestine internationally, and now, perhaps, begun to show signs of making inroads into the U.S. political environment as well.

READ: UN member states deepen isolation of Israel, US by voting 153 to 10 for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

In the aftermath of Netanyahu’s speech, Jewish Voice for Peace sought to identify a silver lining by proclaiming “the demise of the bipartisan consensus on Israel” since“over 130 Democrats boycotted” the foreign prime minister’s presentation.

“In a desperate attempt to make this authoritarian leader appear popular, seats were filled with guests, rather than elected officials,” the JVP tweet explained. “The far-right agenda of groups like AIPAC that seek to back Israel’s crimes against humanity are growing more toxic by the day, and the will of American voters who want a human-rights centered foreign policy is breaking through.”

The Democrats boycotting the Israeli leader were ironically all pro-abortion and included Nancy PelosiBernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The further irony is every self-identified pro-life member of Congress except one attended the speech by Netanyahu, who since last October has presided over the killingof more than 16,250 children and the injuring of 38,000 more with mostly American munitions approved and paid for by the U.S. Congress.

The lone exception is Rep. Thomas Massie, who recently made headlines for exposing “the Zionist lobby’s power over Congress” in a June 7 interview with Tucker Carlson.

The Republican from Kentucky tweeted last week, “Today Congress will undertake political theater on behalf of the State Department. The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int’l opposition to his war. I don’t feel like being a prop so I won’t be attending.”

Also making his voice heard was Rev. Munther Isaac, a Lutheran pastor in Bethlehem who has become a prominent voice in the West representing the assessment of the conflict from Christians in the region since his April interview with Carlson.

READ: Holy Land pastor tells Tucker Carlson that Israel’s occupation must end, calls US policy ‘horrifying’

Posting a photo on Twitter/X of Democrat and Palestinian American Rep. Rashida Tlaib in the House chamber holding a sign up to Netanyahu reading “GUILTY OF GENOCIDE,” the pastor wrote, “Gaza has become the moral compass of the world. I want you to look in the mirror and ask: where was I when Gaza was going through a genocide.”

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