Commie Kamala To Include Food Price Controls In 2024 Platform

[Collection]Kelen McBreenAnti-free market move could wreck America's food supply

Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday will announce a plan to include Soviet-style food pricing controls in her 2024 platform under the guise of a “ban on price gouging.”

The move, which will be announced at a North Carolina rally, will be presented as a way to help struggling Americans afford groceries.

It’s ironic Harris will be rolling out the agenda while the Biden administration also claims the economy is great and grocery prices aren’t skyrocketing.

The recently-installed Democrat presidential nominee will reportedly implement the scheme within her first one hundred days in office.

Popular X account Kanekoa The Great highlighted how the communist-style takeover of America’s food could lead to “shortages, hyperinflation, and economic collapse, similar to what Venezuela experienced with price controls.”

Another X account, Amuse, pointed out Harris is following in the footsteps of her Marxist father Donald by introducing communist food price control mechanisms.

The post is accurate as Donald Harris was an economic advisor to Jamaica’s Socialist President Michael Manley, who introduced food price controls during the 1970s that led to shortages.

Between Kamala’s Marxist roots and Tim Walz being an avid Maoist, America is in store for a hardcore leftist agenda if they weasel their way into the White House.

Anti-free market move could wreck America's food supply

Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday will announce a plan to include Soviet-style food pricing controls in her 2024 platform under the guise of a “ban on price gouging.”

The move, which will be announced at a North Carolina rally, will be presented as a way to help struggling Americans afford groceries.

It’s ironic Harris will be rolling out the agenda while the Biden administration also claims the economy is great and grocery prices aren’t skyrocketing.

The recently-installed Democrat presidential nominee will reportedly implement the scheme within her first one hundred days in office.

Popular X account Kanekoa The Great highlighted how the communist-style takeover of America’s food could lead to “shortages, hyperinflation, and economic collapse, similar to what Venezuela experienced with price controls.”

Another X account, Amuse, pointed out Harris is following in the footsteps of her Marxist father Donald by introducing communist food price control mechanisms.

The post is accurate as Donald Harris was an economic advisor to Jamaica’s Socialist President Michael Manley, who introduced food price controls during the 1970s that led to shortages.

Between Kamala’s Marxist roots and Tim Walz being an avid Maoist, America is in store for a hardcore leftist agenda if they weasel their way into the White House.
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