Beyond Blue Beam

Beyond Blue Beam

Beyond Blue Beam

Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. We continue our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please feel free to add whatever other information you have to add to the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read.

Today, we embark on another thrilling journey through time, space, and possibly even different realities. As usual, buckle up for an intriguing exploration of diverse topics.

We begin our journey with more information on…



Is America actually part of Egypt?


We now move on with more interesting topics.



Free energy has been available for 100 years but it would not have made the Cabal the billions and billions they have made with oil, they have purposefully and unnecessarily defiled the planet but they blame us for climate change.

Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is said to be one of the U.S. government’s most closely guarded secrets, a limitless source of energy drawn from quantum fluctuations in the fabric of space. Allegedly developed in top-secret facilities like Area 51, this technology powers advanced propulsion systems, anti-gravity devices, and powerful weapons. While officially denied, rumors suggest that ZPE could revolutionize energy generation and warfare, offering an untapped potential that remains hidden from the world, tightly controlled to maintain a strategic advantage.




Inventing a method of creating free energy is the fastest way to die!

The ruling elite want us trapped in an expensive energy reliant system to keep us under their control.



The Hoover Dam is not just a monumental feat of engineering but also conceals a top-secret time manipulation device designed by the U.S. government. This covert technology, hidden within the dam’s structure, harnesses its vast energy output to bend the fabric of time, allowing for controlled time travel or the manipulation of temporal events. Positioned strategically on a powerful energy vortex, the Hoover Dam serves as the perfect location for such experiments, with its immense water flow providing the necessary power to fuel this advanced device. This hidden purpose explains the heavy security and secrecy surrounding the dam, revealing that its true function goes far beyond generating electricity, serving instead as a critical tool for altering the course of history itself.


That Beautiful Old World Clock.

The 14th Century clock in Prague might be revealing far more than just the time. 

Whatever this world truly is, it’s certainly not what we have been told.


There Are Drugs In Your Drinking Water

As a result of widespread contamination from pharmaceuticals that enter water supplies through improper disposal and runoff. These substances, which include prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs, persist in the water despite treatment processes, leading to concerns about their impact on health and the environment. The contamination is not limited to trace amounts but includes detectable levels of various drugs, raising alarms about the long-term effects on human health and prompting urgent calls for more stringent regulations and advanced purification technologies to ensure clean and safe drinking water.


The Foundlings From The Orphan Trains

The foundlings from the orphan trains and orphan asylums moved into the founded cities, not merely to supplement the workforce, but to become the workforce. 

The operative word being ‘FOUND’


The Lost Book of Enki

Zackaria Sitchin’s “The Lost Book of Enki” comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an  advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated  civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki’s species played a  crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it  in modern day.   

Moreover, the Prologue, titled “Attestation of Endubsar,” recounts the tale of a scribe summoned by Enki himself to transcribe Enki’s testimony onto clay tablets. This narrative unfolds as the authentic story of  mankind, revealing a hidden and forbidden lost history on earth.

There are 5 more chapters to this story. We will post one chapter each week. Please Let us know what you think of the prologue.


Department of Defense Announced the New Director, All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office

(Copied from the link below)

Dr. Jon T. Kosloski arrived on detail from the National Security Agency to be appointed as the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office.  Dr. Kosloski brings extensive experience working in multiple scientific fields, including quantum optics and crypto-mathematics, as well as leading mission-oriented research and analysis teams.

“Jon possesses the unique set of scientific and technical skills, policy knowledge, and proven leadership experience required to enhance AARO’s efforts to research and explain unidentified anomalous phenomena to the Department, Congress, and the American people,” said Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks.


EXCLUSIVE Former head of secret government UFO program reveals new evidence 

(copied from the link below)

The former head of a secret government UFO program has spoken out in an interview with – before revealing in a new book why he is certain the Pentagon has material from crashed ‘nonhuman’ spacecraft.

Luis Elizondo, 52, helped run the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) from 2009 to 2017, investigating UFOs that harassed Navy warships and nuclear silos. obtained an advance copy of his book, Imminent, in which he shockingly and unequivocally stated that a ‘Legacy Program’ is ‘in possession of advanced technology made off-world by nonhuman intelligence’.

The memoir is bursting with other jaw-dropping revelations and claims, including a 2016 plan Elizondo and colleagues hatched to catch a UFO in the ocean, and his family’s own disturbing experience with ‘green orbs’ floating through their house.

The ex-Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) official revealed Donald Trump was briefed on the government’s UFO program during his presidency, and detailed in his book some intriguing and previously unknown UFO incidents.


The UFO  Videos

1. A mother ship in the clouds CAPTURED ON SWINOMISH RESERVATION, WASHINGTON August 2024


2. A UAP seen in California, USA 05.08.2024


3. A flashing UAP seen over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 19.08.2024



4. UAP seen over Spain August 22, 2024



End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>>


via Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

August 28, 2024 at 08:04AM

August 28, 2024 at 08:07AM
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