Beyond Blue Beam

Beyond Blue Beam

Beyond Blue Beam


Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. We continue our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please feel free to add whatever other information you have to add to the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read.

Today, we embark on a thrilling journey through time, space, and possibly even different realities. As usual, buckle up for an intriguing exploration of diverse topics.



We begin with the enigmatic realm of Tartaria, a captivating part of our history erased by the elite. The story of Tartaria and the great mud flood reset continues to fascinate and provoke thought, inviting us to question the narratives we’ve been told and to uncover the hidden truths of our past.



The lands to the north are as mysterious and guarded as the Antarctic. Modern maps show a blank expanse at the North Pole, yet historical maps tell a different story, depicting not only lands but inhabited ones. Can we truly believe that all these ancient cartographers got it wrong? This discrepancy raises intriguing questions about what might really lie hidden beneath the Arctic ice and whether there is a forgotten history that has been deliberately obscured. Question Everything.



John Lear, a well-known figure in the realm of conspiracy theories and UFO investigations, has described witnessing advanced holograms that seemed astonishingly real. This technology, he suggests, could be used to stage a convincing alien attack, making the unimaginable possible. With discussions about “The Event” on July 15-16, as predicted by Clif High and Dick Allgire, it’s worth considering the potential for such technologies to create startling, reality-bending experiences. Be prepared, as anything can happen in this world of hidden capabilities and unfolding mysteries. 



Whistleblower Eric Hecker has shed light on the secret technologies being developed and tested by the Military Industrial Complex, particularly in the enigmatic expanse of Antarctica. Hecker’s revelations suggest that these covert operations align with Nikola Tesla’s suppressed metaphysical principles, which Tesla himself feared could be weaponized. Are we really surprised to learn that such groundbreaking technology is being harnessed in the world’s most remote regions? These disclosures compel us to reconsider the depths of technological advancements and the hidden agendas that may be driving them.



This is a must-listen and watch interview. Elon Musk sits down with Joe Rogan to discuss a mind-bending topic: Could we be living in a simulation? Since 2020, life has felt increasingly surreal, possibly due to the influence of advanced technologies like Google Earth and shifts in our collective consciousness. Musk delves into the possibility that our reality might be an intricate simulation, challenging us to rethink the nature of existence and the profound impact of technology on our perception of reality.


UFO  videos

1. A black orb chased by 2 fighter jets. Nothing to see here, move right along, location unknown.


2. What looks like a Meteor seen over parts of Turkey by many people July 2024.


3. An apparent Meteor falls, visible from Budapest. Witnesses report a bright flash and streak across the night sky. July 2024.


4. A UAP seen over Japan June 2024.


5. An apparent mother ship seen over Northern California June 30, 2024.


6. A multi colored flashing UAP over Venezuela June 29, 2024.


7.  UAP seen over Cancun, Mexico June 2024.

End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>>


via Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

July 10, 2024 at 08:05AM

July 10, 2024 at 08:06AM
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