Beyond Blue Beam

Beyond Blue Beam

Beyond Blue Beam

Beyond Blue Beam 

Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. Today we journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue again. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion”. (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please add whatever other information you have to add to the article. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read. 

This week, we kick off with a mind-blowing video revealing the truth about who you belong to when you are born.

We proceed with various articles and videos for your enjoyment.


The Honey Bee and the Efficiency of the Hexagon Pattern: Discover how bees have always known the secret to perfect efficiency with their hexagonal honeycombs.


Giant Trees of a Forgotten Era: Uncover the lost history of giant trees, allegedly erased from history by the elite. Hear from the Dakota chief about “Devil’s Tower” and the theory that these were not random ancient volcanoes but towering world trees.


Not mountains, but petrified Giant Trees!

Imagine trees that once grew miles tall with bases spanning miles across. This week, we delve into the fascinating theory of petrified giant trees. Explore striking pictures comparing regular tree stumps to colossal giant stumps, challenging our understanding of Earth’s ancient landscapes.

Take a closer look at zoomed-in samples of cross-cut sections from these giant stumps. The fibers reveal intriguing octagonal shapes, much like the intricate patterns found in honeycombs. Are these remnants of a forgotten world of towering trees? You decide.



The Real Danger to Our Health: And We Thought It Was 5G


GWEN TOWERS: The Hidden Threat

The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) is a little-known but potentially hazardous technology. It operates in conjunction with HAARP, smart meters, cell phones, WIFI, and other modern devices, posing a significant threat to our health.

What is GWEN?

GWEN transmitters are strategically placed 200 miles apart across the USA. These transmitters can tailor specific frequencies to match the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, altering the magnetic field. The system operates in the Very Low Frequency (VLF) range, transmitting signals between 150 and 175 KHz, and also emits Ultra High Frequency (UHF) waves ranging from 225 to 400 MHz.

How Does It Work?

VLF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiating into the atmosphere. A single GWEN station can transmit signals up to a 300-mile radius, although the signal strength drops off sharply over distance. Each GWEN tower stands between 299 and 500 feet high, with a network of copper wires fanning out from its base, creating a massive underground system that interacts with the Earth like a thin-shelled conductor.

The Scope of GWEN

Depending on the source, the GWEN system consists of anywhere from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters spread across the USA. The entire network creates an artificial ground wave that blankets the country, forming a web-like structure that rises to 500 feet and penetrates even into basements.

The Impact on Health

This pervasive magnetic field has the potential to subject everyone within its reach to mind control. By bathing the population in artificial electromagnetic waves, it becomes easier to influence and hypnotize individuals, raising significant concerns about the implications for public health and freedom.

As we continue to advance technologically, it is crucial to remain vigilant about the hidden dangers that accompany these innovations. GWEN towers represent a significant and largely overlooked threat, reminding us to question and investigate the unseen forces that may impact our well-being.

Everything you need to know about GWEN towers:


Did Stanley Meyer Die Because He Knew How to Turn Water into Fuel?

On the 21st of March, 1998, the first day of spring, four men gathered for lunch in a restaurant. Among them was Stanley Meyer, an inventor known for his revolutionary work on a water-powered fuel cell.

As the waiter served Meyer a glass of cranberry juice, the situation took a sudden and dramatic turn. Immediately after taking his first sip, Meyer clutched his neck, struggled for breath, and ran out into the parking lot. He collapsed to the ground, uttering his chilling final words: “They poisoned me.”

Steve Robinette, the lead detective on the case, quickly arrived at the scene. He collected testimonies from everyone present, including those who heard Meyer’s final, disturbing words. The man who collapsed was indeed Stanley Meyer, leaving a cloud of mystery and suspicion surrounding his sudden death.

Meyer’s work on turning water into fuel had garnered both attention and skepticism. Some believe his untimely demise was no accident but a deliberate act to silence his groundbreaking discovery. The mystery of Stanley Meyer’s death remains a topic of intrigue and debate, with many questioning whether his pioneering work on alternative energy led to his tragic end.


Could the Moon be Plasma?

In a 1965 televised interview, Professor R. Foster raised intriguing questions about the nature of the Moon, suggesting it might not be what we traditionally think. He boldly stated, “The moon landing won’t be possible,” sparking curiosity and speculation.


Here is the full video interview

Do you agree with the timeline of history being lies, how many years ago do you think this


Question everything.


Could this old photo be a form of Baal with its children? As usual, question everything. 


This may cause Project Blue Beam to backfire on the Cabal? 


UFO  Videos

1. A rainbow cloud materialized over Kentucky, USA  June, 2024


2. 7 light orbs over Ohio June, 2024


3.  What looks like a TR3B over Mexico.  June 12, 2024

4. An orange colored UAP over the ocean. Miami, Florida USA  June 8, 2024


5. A very unusual UAP displaying a light show in the sky over São Paulo, Brasil June , 2024

6. A black orb seen in the sky over Guadalajara, Mexico June 17, 2024

7. A unusual UAP that seems to flame out over Flagstaff, Arizona June, 2024


8. A cluster of orbs materializing over Ohio. June 2024

9. A man made antigravity craft similar to a TR3B seen in Argentina 04.05.2024

10. 2 light ships merge together and enter what looks like a portal-Mexico June 19, 2024


End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>>


via Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

June 26, 2024 at 08:08AM

June 26, 2024 at 08:10AM
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