Help us with sending letters protest about the Governing Body's child sexual abuse policy and how it goes unreported. A letter campaign like what Amnesty International does with countries and organisation that abusing human rights. The purpose is to carry out a distributed denial service (DDOS), as they are not going to listen to us, so we can disruption they mailbox until they stop letting paedophilic rapists get away and to rape more children.
So for this to work we need as many people as possible to send off letters To the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses Going down of protecting rapists especially those who rape children is not acceptable and they need to start immediately.
More information can be found here as well as more letter templates, and personal accounts
1 Kings Dr.
To the attention Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses,
For over 50 years, that we know of, your organisation has allowed accused and/or confirmed child molesters to be protected from the consequences of their actions. This is completely unacceptable. You are ruining the lives of countless numbers of Jehovah's Witnesses as you punish anyone who speaks out against your organisation.
Victims who go to the elders for help are frequently turned away since you require either two eyewitnesses or a second eyewitness to such crimes before the child or victim's accusations are even considered. This requirement, plus your flat refusal to inform local law enforcement agencies of such crimes, prevents child molesters from being prosecuted. This prevents child molesters from being prosecuted as they need to be caught in the act of abusing a child, or have the testimony of another abused child in order for your elders to do anything. This is quite obviously an attempt to keep the good reputation of the local congregation and the entire organisation. Now your organisation has a reputation as a safe haven for paedophiles. Is that really the name you want to make for Jehovah God? Because of how you handle this Issue, less and less people are being ‘saved’ by the ‘good news’ you preach about and more will die at armageddon that is ‘soon approaching’ In your own teachings, this bad witness would make you blood guilty. How can you sleep at night if you truly believe what you teach?
So do you want to become a safe haven for paedophiles more than you already are? Do you honestly think child molesters don’t talk to one another? Do you really believe they won’t use your organisation to groom kids when they know that they can get away with it? Do you understand that child molestation is up there with murder in level of heinous crime? It is disgusting. You ‘abhor’ child abuse in the same manner you ‘abhor’ homosexuality, fornication, and adultery. You just don’t like it. You don’t even care enough to stop it as quickly as you will stop the other ‘sins’.
If you really care about saving souls, or children’s well-being, do the right thing. Protect children. The reputation of men is worthless compared to the well-being of a child. Until you can admit that, then you are actually more wicked than the world you so often denunciate.
Do you want more people to join your religion? Say you’re sorry. Apologise for your deeds. Admit that you’re nothing but imperfect men.
Which will garner more respect from God? Don’t allow known or suspected criminal pedophiles and sexual predators to ever serve in positions of oversight, and above all report ALL allegations of child molestation or sexually predatory behaviors to the PROPER AUTHORITIES!
Ignoring a child who has been molested or raped, because the child had no other witnesses, is evil beyond comprehension. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
I think we all know the answer. He wouldn’t have protected the privacy and reputation of child molesters. So choose wisely, be like Jesus or be like Satan. There are really only two options here.
In deepest concern,
Submitted December 26, 2017 at 08:56PM by Alex09464367