Just Pinned to Domestic and Global News: Stunning study reveals why intolerant university Leftists cannot see reality: They have been TRAINED to cognitively miss details that don't conform to liberalism (Natural News) The chilling rise of neo-Marxist extremism across America is evident in everything from violent street protests against hate speech to hostile takeovers of college campuses by feral radicals demanding equality. This new-breed fascist element increasingly demands that anything it doesnt like shouldbe silenced with aggressive force. But if you read between the lines of a new study published in the journal Cognitive Science such madness is merely the fetid and inevitable consequence of mass cultural brainwashing. For their study researchers from Kyoto University in Japan examined how individuals perceive the world around them discovering that personal experiences differ widely depending on how a person is raised or what he experiences throughout his life. Cultural variances tend to color the lens of human understanding quite differently for each individual person in other words what one person is exposed to throughout his developmental years compared to another will uniqu
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