Stone Age humans may have been budding piano players... Ancient humans who took a leap forward in stone tool technology 1.75 million years ago ma… | Pinterest

Just Pinned to Domestic and Global News: Stone Age humans may have been budding piano players... Ancient humans who took a leap forward in stone tool technology 1.75 million years ago may have been budding musicians research suggests. The brain circuits that led to two-sided tools and weapons such as hand-axes and cleavers are the same as those activated when playing a piano a study has shown. The switch from simple flake and pebble technology known as "Oldowan" to more sophisticated "Acheulian" toolknow-howis considered a hugely important step in human evolution. To investigate what brought about the change British and US scientists conducted brain scans of volunteers as they learned to make Oldowan and Acheulian tools. They found that Acheulian tool manufacture required a combination of visual memory hearing movement awareness and action-planning - all essential ingredients of being a musician. Professor John Spencer from the University of East Anglia said: "Our findings do not neatly overlap with prior claims that language and stone tool production co-evolved. There is more support for the idea that working memory and auditory-visual integration networks laid the foundation for a
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