The leftist media constantly portrays Trump as some harbinger of doom, saying that he's stirring up fear, dividing people, etc. That his supporters are violent and angry xenophobes unified by hate. Know what? That's BULLSHIT. This is the friendliest subreddit I've ever seen - and it is the ONLY political subreddit where there's actual open discussion and dissenting opinions don't get downvoted into oblivion. We may think some liberal ideas are dumb, but we still love them and want to talk to them! Try saying something against the hivemind on some other certain "politics" subreddits, and see how that turns out. Trump's base is really turning the other cheek. The media treats you so unfairly, and liberals demonize you so much, yet you don't let it get to you. Stay friendly, pedes.
I love this place. Because on one little corner of the internet, we have total free speech. And we're using it to help each other MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Submitted May 12, 2017 at 05:54AM by AllahCanSuckMyDick