Jewish professor forced to flee campus as police say he's not safe

The Evergreen State College biology professor Bret Weinstein was targeted by vitriolic and aggressive student protests against him this week after he refused to leave campus during a so-called “Day of Absence.” It was a day in which whites and Jews were told to stay away from campus so students of color could have a safe space to powwow and commiserate.

That observance was in mid-April, but this week massive protests unfolded against Weinstein after students found out about his conscientious objection to the absence day and his refusal to support their demands for racial reparations.

Videos of these protests show a bunch of mostly white students yelling at this Jewish professor for not leaving campus on the no-whites/Jews day.

Things have quickly escalated. Yesterday Weinstein was forced to hold class off-campus because police say they cannot protect him, he told a local TV news station.

“I have been told by the Chief of Police it’s not safe for me to be on campus,” said Weinstein, who held his Thursday class in a downtown Olympia park, King 5 reports, adding an “administrator confirmed the police department advised Weinstein it ‘might be best to stay off campus for a day or so.'”

Submitted May 28, 2017 at 08:23AM by EvanWithTheFactCheck
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