OR maybe, just maybe.... the Left and Right have both been dug into by the best 400 pound hackers and government agencies the world over (especially the CIA and FBI apparently), and the right has turned up clean thus far, or damn near it?
Maybe the reason the Left are the ones constantly being exposed, is due to them.... oh, I don't know... being the dirty underhanded ones...
Because everyone knows every single scrap of dirt on Trump and Le Pen already, but the powers that be want to maintain an artificial polish on a pile of shit and try to sell it as a diamond?
Because anyone who looks past the thin layer of polish coating these sleazeballs on the left can see the shit that is their character.
But sure, okay, "Teh Russians did it," and even though it's now verified by the globalist puppet granny fucker himself as a genuine hack, your arguments will be the same, focus on the who, not the what.
If a random dude, or even a guy I hated told me my girlfriend was cheating on me, with proof mind you, should I be pissed off at him? No.
It's really that simple, the contents are far more important to me than the messenger, because if he wasn't a dirty POS, he'd have no worries, savvy?...
Submitted May 06, 2017 at 03:55AM by B3RZ3RK3R_13 http://ift.tt/2pQTFJF