This defeat in France is sad frankly, that so many people vote for the destruction of their home all because of some stupid self-imposed guilt. Liberals in generals aren't good for anything else. Britain may be going its own way, but I'm going to count them as not being out of the woods yet especially since they've already got muslim problems of their own.
That leaves Japan and Poland who are taking care of this shit the right way. Hungary too, but I get the impression they're sorta being swayed by the rest of the EU monster. Russia's leadership at least publicly states they will not accept this invasion of islam into their culture.
To me, frankly, I don't give a shit about whatever fucking middle east politics are going on with Syria or Iran or whoever the hell else. Tactical positioning of military units, military access, trade and anything else you can think of sure as hell don't mean shit if your culture is being completely overrun by muslim fanatics and leftist assholes who are nothing more than useful idiots.
Submitted May 08, 2017 at 11:06AM by 7spade