MUSK STARTS DIGGING UNDER LA! Elon Musk has begun digging under Los Angeles. The entrepreneur posted Friday several pictures of equipment meant for digging tunnels beneath Los Angeles. The project is one of Musk's latest ventures, which was inspired by a desire to alleviate "out of control" traffic in Los Angeles. He aims to first dig a tunnel from SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California, to the nearby Los Angeles airport. Musk frequently flies from Los Angeles to the San Francisco area, where he runs Tesla. Eventually, he envisions a deep, multilayered network of underground tunnels spanning the city. Musk discussed the concept in depth during a recent TED talk in Vancouver. Since Musk began his project, questions have surfaced about whether he has, or will even be able to obtain, the permits needed to fulfill his vision. Below is a picture of boring machine segments that are being lowered into the starter tunnel at SpaceX. background:url(
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