After the healthcare vote in the House, the French election, the special elections and indeed the confirmation of a new Justice for the SCOTUS, it seems worth noting that these are all in fact, distractions. Democrats and Republicans nationwide lost confidence in their national political parties. The political establishment, the uni-party had focused its energies on maintaining a broken status quo. On healthcare, on immigration, on education and most important of all, limiting economic growth and creation of quality jobs. People everywhere are sick and tired of being told to vote for the "lesser evil". People everywhere are sick and tired of being represented by folks who are not really on their side.
The opportunity represented by Trump's election is one of changing that system. Not for 100 days, not for 8 years, but forever.
Getting rid of the dug-in professional-dc-class of career politicians that say anything and do nothing. This includes most of the career staff running the federal and state governments SO very badly. This includes our broken foreign policy. This includes everything. This means no more stupid spending on waste. This means no more aid to our enemies. This means valuing our veterans, our elderly, our children (finally in deed, not just in promises) and even bringing home our troops.
It is time we fix our problems, it is time we finally fix our country. It is our time to rebuild America and make it great again.
No more distractions, no more compromise, it is our time to drain the swamp and set things right...not in one place but in all of them, not on one issue but finally and forever, to fix it all and make this country work for its real bosses, the taxpaying citizens that are going to be watching and holding our feet to the fire.
Submitted May 08, 2017 at 09:34PM by distraingotnobrakes