Hey guys so I've been in a certain niche for quite some time now, constantly banging out fresh high quality content (product reviews).. but my problem is the damn videos never get viewed because I don't have a lot of subscribers.. I have around 250 videos + 46 subscribers + 8,600 views, pretty shitty for all that work haha.. but anyways there is this guy consistently ranking the same generic review over and over for every single product review.. He is doing it by buying around 1k views and 100 likes for every video.. and it seems to work like a charm for the guy!
I know a lot of you guys think buying youtube views doesn't work but i can see for certain this guy has been doing the exact same thing for at least a year or 2 and none of his channels are banned.. Every single YouTube video is ranked within the top 5 for his chosen keyword..
Another factor is the channels have around 300-400 subscribers each.. So I wanna get in on this method myself. How can I get 300-400 subscribers on a new channel without raising any flags? Maybe if I keep uploading 2-3 videos a day over a month and drip feed the subscribers in each day with something like addmefast?
Can someone also recommend somewhere to buy YT views + likes? The video I would be using would only be around 1-2 mins.. So a service that would prove high retention views..
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!