Sarah Palin Calls On Trump To Leave UN After Israeli Settlement Vote

Sarah Palin has called on the US President-elect Donald Trump to extricate Washington from the United Nations over the recent vote on Israel’s illegal construction of settlements in Palestine. The former republican governor said there were two ways the future president could remove the country from the UN. Press TV reports: “One is, I called for our next president, Donald Trump, to call for the unshackling of the political bands tying us to the UN,” she said. “By exiting the U.N., where injustice is actually rewarded, we then will be able to uphold America’s reputation as the leader, and as the kind and compassionate and generous nation that we are – as the nation sharing values that, when emulated by any other nation, can bring justice and equal rights to any other nation.” She also added that different factions in the government should join forces to move against the world body, headquartered in New York City “Our government, our bureaucrats and our elected leaders, work for us,” said the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee. “We are the ones that need to call for this, that the UN shackles be next on the chopping block.” Being unpopular among American conservatives, the [...] The post Sarah Palin Calls On Trump To Leave UN After Israeli Settlement Vote appeared first on Your News Wire . December 31, 2016 at 05:35PM
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