Aubrey de Grey: Expect Massive Longevity Breakthroughs in 5-7 Years [Watch] Credit: IdeaCity Billions of dollars are spent every year on anti-aging lotions, pills, and treatments. Considering society’s persistent fear of death , this makes sense. However, English author and biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey suggests that in less than a decade, revolutionary developments will be made to extend peoples’ lifespans and slow the aging process. The author of The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging (1999) has spent decades researching regenerative medicine and the aging process. In a collection called “Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence” (SENS), the scientist has proposed techniques to rejuvenate the human body and stop aging. Reportedly, seven different types of molecular and cellular damage caused by essential metabolic processes have been identified, and the researcher is inspired to use this knowledge to extend the average lifespan. Already, SENS has helped tackle seven severe, degenerative aging diseases using rejuvenation biotechnology . Grey has long held the belief that the fundamental knowledge needed to develop effective anti-aging medicine already exists. However, science is ahead of the funding, he says. In the video below, the freethinker explains more, specifically how in 5-7 years, revolutionary life-extension breakthroughs will take place: Every day, approximately 100,000 people die due to age-related causes. If advancements are made to extend peoples’ life spans, will this exacerbate present problems of food shortages and unequal distribution of resources? Or, is it every citizen’s right to live the longest life possible? Could both be plausible? It’s worth discussing. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news! This article ( Aubrey de Grey: Expect Massive Longevity Breakthroughs in 5-7 Years [Watch] ) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and December 31, 2016 at 05:35PM
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