1st Amendment Freedom to Speak Your Mind : What happens when our kids detox from digital heroin on Narro

What happens when our kids detox from digital heroin on Narro What happens when our kids detox from digital heroin Kids are more likely to snuggle when adults are reading real books to them than when they are reading tablets. This is the result of a new, albeit small, study from some British psychologists published in Frontiers in Psychology. Researchers at the University of Sussex compared how 24 children and their mothers shared storybooks versus stories on electronic readers and found that among the former there was “a significant increase in the warmth of the parent/child interactions: more laughter, more smiling, more shows of affection.” These are the kind of stories that make parents feel guilty. And they make us want to rethink our families’ relationship to technology. We know that our phones and tablets are taking away valuable time from our families. We know that they’re making our children more distracted from their schoolwork and their social interactions. We know that they’re killing dinner time a
from bitly http://bit.ly/2ipupXb
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